I'm so lucky.

Yuki Nagato

Data Overmind Humanoid
Dec 21, 2012
Throwback Tickets
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Pear (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
It's my second day, I've been on AC all day, and I've caught TONNES of bugs, and fishies. I even caught a shark, a taratula, and a spider :D. Today was a success!

Have you caught anything of interest yet?
caught some cool stuff for the bug off =]

Got knocked out by a tarantula last night though!!!

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caught some cool stuff for the bug off =]

Got knocked out by a tarantula last night though!!!
I think I caught all the finned fish, shark, saw shark, hammerhead shark and the ocean sunfish. I've seen tarantula's but no scorpions, are they in this game?
I caught a diving beetle today, not too interesting of a bug but it was the first one I've found since I started playing 7 days ago so that's interesting!

I have...
28 more fish to complete my fish encyclopedia
29 more bugs to complete my bug encyclopedia

and a whole bunch of deep sea creatures I need to discover!
today the most interesting I caught was- the peacock butterfly, saw shark, koi, and ocean sunfish (all for the first time). i think i still need a lot more to complete any of the encyclopedias though. but i'm going to take it easy and not rush.
I managed to catch a bee today, it was a bit risky but I pulled it off somehow. Donated it to the museum.

I also caught a shark and a hammerhead shark, plus a bunch of other unusual fish and bugs. Overall it's been quite a successful first two days. Got 100% approval today too.

Haven't seen any Tarantula or Scorpion yet, although I was stung by a jellyfish when I visited a friends island.
I got the Tarantula! He attacked me in the flowers, I didn't see him. Looked all over that same night and found him! In the museum now :D I also got a shark, I had an eventful day for only two days in, I got my brother to get it and I stole his fortune cookie :) Tomorrow I'm hoping to get the last four points I need to get my Development Permit and start doing some building :)