I am going to start over. I'm tired of seeing a fountain wherever i go i'm tired of these huge houses. Im tired of people with golden stuff. I miss the good old days when i had the regular plain tools. I miss meeting all my new neighbors. I miss the small house. I miss the joy of paying off my debt. I miss the joy of getting a silver item. I miss the joy of Upgrading Nooks.
Positive Effects!
1. You get that good feeling inside when you payed something
2 Or the feeling when you caught a rare fish
3. You get your grass back!
4. You get new neighbors
5. Brand New town thats could have a island
well in this kind of game i wouldnt do it, id just create a new character and downgrade nooks i guess or just play the DS version if you have it. its preety much the same exact game and you get more expansions to your house
i have an island in my town right now D
but ima have to start over cuz im buying a new wii for myself
since i was playing on my bf's wii this whole time ): but ill most likely transfer all my stuff and bells to my new one D