Hello and as you can see by the title, I am NEW. So hi, hello, how are you? Can you guys give me tips, lessons, etc about Forums? Please and Thank you!
Hello! Just recently joined, like you! Well, the people in this forum are surprisingly friendly (not a tip or lesson, I know, but still true!) If you're wondering what TBT is (as I just learned myself) it is a form of currency used in the Bell Tree Forum. It can be used to buy lots of things, like art and villagers (there's more stuff, too, I'm sure). It can be obtained through posting.
If you had literally never communicated with the community at ALL (like me), there is a ranking of animals called Tiers. I'll inform you more on that if you don't know what that is.
By the way, nice NSP and MeMeMe references XP
Tiers are when a villager is more popular than another. For example, say Marshal is more popular and therefore more sought-after villager than Tangy. Tangy, however, is still popular within the community of Bell Tree. Marshal will be placed in Tier One and will have higher value, while Tangy is placed in Tier Two. The Tiers are from Tier One to Five, One being the most popular villagers and Five being, you guessed it, the least popular. If you want to know the current Tier List, it's here: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?109343-List-of-Villagers-Based-on-Popularity
This also goes more in-depth about Tiers.
i'm not going to explain what each forum is, because it gives a brief explanation of it on the home screen.
i'll explain a few other things though!!
there are things called collectibles that you can buy in the shop. i have some underneath my profile, however there are ALOT more. for a list of all the ones ever available (and their prices) click here
the collectibles are bought with forum bells. forum bells can be seen under your avatar, you have 8 right now. you can earn more by posting in the forums, however you can't earn bells from posting in the basement and a few other places. also, there are two welcome bonuses. when you hit a certain number of posts you earn 200tbt, then 500tbt.
another useful thing is that you can trade forum bells for in-game bells. the conversion is roughly 100tbt for 20mil IGB.
the bell tree forums is a great place imo, but those are some useful things to know.