I'm wittnessing a miracle here.


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005
Now I am a true believer in Nintendo's new mission; introduce total nongamers into the gaming world.

Why, you ask?

Well, my sisters both got Big Brain Academy and Brain Age today.

I showed my mom BBA, and she's been playing for an hour or so now.


I have NEVER witnessed one of my parents play a game until today.


Thanks Nintendo!

Hahahahahahahahahaha :lol:

The only game my mom ever played was New Super Mario Bros. and she got to world 5 before quitting. I have Big Brain Academy, and its better than I expected it to be...my brain weighs 1,172 grams! And I've only had the game for a day!

My mom plays DS alot so she got her own. She's got ACWW, Brain age, raymen, nintendogs, tetris and NSMB
Tetris DS is your answer, PKMN.
Eh, I'm not sure if handhelds would work...there were just two games Tetris Attack (SNES, and it was a Mario tetris :wub:) and Tetrisphere where it's tetris in a sphere and you try to get to the center of the sphere, to let this little robot get out. It's for N64.
My dad plays Madden every once in a while. My mom and aunt played Brain Age for a couple hours. That was it for them.