

Retired Staff
Jun 27, 2006
Cherry (Fruit)
Would anyone recommend importing Diamond/Pearl?
If anyone has let me know.
Another thing, if I did import a US version, would I be able to transfer from a UK fire red, on a UK DS?
I know they are region free, but what I really wanted to know was, About if a UK fire red would transfer to a US diamond.
Light Avenger18 said:
I know they are region free, but what I really wanted to know was, About if a UK fire red would transfer to a US diamond.
I think so, Check Srebii for that though.

"Found on Route 221 after you get the National Pokedex. Pal Park is the only means of transferring Pokemon from other games to Diamond and Pearl. However this only works with games of the same language and region."
Wait, It is Region blocked, So no, it wouldnt work.

EDIT: Its actually only Language Blocked, So it could work, Just as long as its nots Japanese and American.

It has now been confirmed that the Pal Park compatibility isn't Region Locked as we once thought, but instead language locked. So those with English GBA games but the American DS games shall need to fear no longer. For more information on the transfers, click below;
Oh Ok, I propably wont import then, as I don't want to keep my fire red squad locked away.
I don't seed why they make region blocks honestly... why not offer everything everywhere....
I don't think I will import, as I don't ANY money, and I can wait a few months. Some people will still be completing their pokedexs etc.