In Need Of Friends :>


Junior Member
Apr 28, 2020
0% (0) +
Hi! I have no friends to play with in New Leaf and I really want people to play with! I play daily and have almost all fruit execpt for peaches, pears, and oranges but I'm down to help anyone who needs any of the other fruits. I'm also still working on my town and trying to make it tider, but it'll be nicer soon! I don't have Internet but I conncet my 3DS to my phone in order to play online.
Hi! I have no friends to play with in New Leaf and I really want people to play with! I play daily and have almost all fruit execpt for peaches, pears, and oranges but I'm down to help anyone who needs any of the other fruits. I'm also still working on my town and trying to make it tider, but it'll be nicer soon! I don't have Internet but I conncet my 3DS to my phone in order to play online.
I would love to be one of your friends, this is my fc 3497-2041-5881 :)