In need of someone to be my moving truck


Tangled Fangirl
Dec 4, 2016
Love Ball
White Cosmos
Pink Hybrid Lily
Peach (Fruit)
Sakura Easter Egg
100% (61) +

I just need someone to hold my stuff while I reset

But it's a lot of stuff! I need someone with a cycling town or somethin lol! (JK)

I can pay any amount of my tbt ( In sidebar ) or items or bells or even collectibles

I'm going to be Simi leaving tbt after this

I'll still be here to do stuff I can't on my own like if I need a rare item fast or if I need to get a train station upgrade

But that won't be very often

Anyway I know half of this stuff doesent even apply to my theme, warrior cats,but it might be useful to the twoleg place
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Hey! I could help you out :) I have space below and to the left of the station, and you can use the town square and whatever other free space that you see!!
Hey! I could help you out :) I have space below and to the left of the station, and you can use the town square and whatever other free space that you see!!

Hi thanks For this! Please vm or pm me when you are available!