Information on villagers moving: Wanted!


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Easter Bunny
This looks long but please read:
There seems to be very little information on how often villagers on average come, and go, the time it takes, how to invite them over, campsite invites, etc.
Please share all your NL experiences and knowledge gained here. But that's not all--

I start this thread because I actually have one burning question.
I have no deer in my town. This is the only thing keeping my experience window shopping two feet away from perfection. One of my friends has just informed me it's magically possible, when visiting someone elses town, to request one of their villagers to move into your town. That villager must have their house packed up.

My concern is this: if I invite a deer from my campsite to live in my town (bringing my residents to 10) and soon after my friend has a deer pack their home up, and I go over to request they move into my town, what will happen? Will they say no because I have 10? Will someone from my town randomly be forced out? And what is villager homeostasis for this game-- does the game try to maintain 10 villagers, or 9, or less? Can you have three villagers move out and suddenly find you have 7 villagers when you once had 10? I have so many questions if experienced players can help me develop a masterful gameplan to get those deer in my town I'd be forever thankful.

One of my best friends has Fauna, and has promised me she'll let me invite her over. My other best friend has Erik, and my 2nd game has Deirdre. But the game I've been so faithful to and been planning for 2 years has no deer!!! I want all of them in my main town. Peez halp.
If your town has 10 villagers, or will soon have 10 villagers (meaning a camper is going to move in), then no more villagers can move in. No one will be forced out.
Right now I have nine villagers in my town with another one set to move on the 20th. It's possible to drop down to eight villagers, but I'm not sure if it's possible to have less than eight once you've had nine+ villagers living in your town at some point.

I think if you were to have 10 villagers and go to your friends town to talk to their packed up villager, they wouldn't even ask you if they can move in. That's how it is with campers.
My concern is this: if I invite a deer from my campsite to live in my town (bringing my residents to 10) and soon after my friend has a deer pack their home up, and I go over to request they move into my town, what will happen?

Will they say no because I have 10?

Will someone from my town randomly be forced out?

And what is villager homeostasis for this game-- does the game try to maintain 10 villagers, or 9, or less?

Can you have three villagers move out and suddenly find you have 7 villagers when you once had 10?

- You won't request neighbors move in if you have the max, which is 10.
- you won't request
- no because you won't request
- the game does not maintain 10. there are days when a neighbor moves out and it takes a while for #10 to move in.
- villagers move out one at a time, but your scenario seems possible with TTing.
If your town has 10 villagers, or will soon have 10 villagers (meaning a camper is going to move in), then no more villagers can move in. No one will be forced out.
Right now I have nine villagers in my town with another one set to move on the 20th. It's possible to drop down to eight villagers, but I'm not sure if it's possible to have less than eight once you've had nine+ villagers living in your town at some point.

I think if you were to have 10 villagers and go to your friends town to talk to their packed up villager, they wouldn't even ask you if they can move in. That's how it is with campers.

Mint & Zen your replies are immensely helpful. I won't be inviting any camper I see unless it's a deer, and cross my fingers another villager moves out before Fauna or Erik in my friends' towns move. I can basically control the deer in my 2nd game so I'm not worried about that one. I know I seem obsessed but I genuinely love them and was heartbroken when I didn't get any.