✒️ Inkwell ♤°•

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New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Feathered Fiend
Project Staff
Sep 19, 2013
Spirit Candy: Wix
Crow Plush
Crow Plush
Crow Plush
Spirit Candy: Wix
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Feather
Final Boss Feather
Black Feather
Black Famous Mushroom
Monochrome inkwell bottle with a bird on top of the cork. Text over top of it reads: Inkwell Island. End of image description. Graphic design is my passion. Frog emoji.

[ Yup, this is a journal reboot. Bet no one saw this coming. I sure didn't! ]

It's been years since I've landed on my island, years of going back and forth on themes, years of sloppily decorating; but it finally happened: I have the itch to jump back onto Inkwell and make it the crime paradise of my dreams. It only took us 5 years!

Two images of resident rep sitting at his desk, in the dark. Top one is a front shot of them pondering while looking at a computer screen. Bottom one is at an angle where the computer screen is visible, on it is an image of TBT's front page. Resident rep is having a literal lightbulb moment as one appears above them. End of image description.
.introduction --
Since I've been properly working at HHP, I've been thinking about how to redecorate resident homes on the island. Thinking about their possible roles and stories... it gave me that "eureka!" moment.

What better way to keep track of all those thoughts and ideas than a journal and board dedicated to such things.

I decided it was better to retire the old journal for good. It's but a time capsule of the early days, and it should stay that way (plus, I rather not see my clean-shaved face ever again). I'm hopeful this journal will see more use than that old one ever did. For archival purposes, here's the link to that short-lived journal.

The goal here is not to update daily, but to note down any notable happenings, thoughts, and projects.
Will I finally finish my island before the next adventure?

Image of the in-game passport. The resident rep is shrugging in this photo. The user title is Chaotic Grandpa and the catchphrase is Don't mind the bodies. End of image description. Totally legal passport of course.

I'll add more here once I finalize permanent residents.
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.entry 01 --
Text graphic that reads Home Remodeling. A small house corner is visible behind the text. End of image description. Once again: graphic design is my passion. Frog emoji.

First things first, I had begun toying with the idea of redesigning the interiors of the residents a week prior. Using the Room Sketch app I recently received from miss Lottie, useful little piece of software it is, I was able to begin a design idea and save it for later completion.

My first victim for this test was my old friend, Dobie.

For a while I was stumped with how to improve his home, but it suddenly hit me after taking a break: His home gives off the theme of a crime novelist, so wouldn't it make sense that, if living on a crime island, he would be a private investigator? Running with that idea, I looked for references and came up with something I truly loved!

Two photos of Dobie's new home interior. It's modeled after vintage detective offices, with fireplace, book shelves and paper scattered about. End of Image description.

My favorite part has to be the use of partition walls and columns to condense his huge book collection to it's own nook.

Image of Dobie inside his new home, smiling directly and waving at the camera.

Safe to say he was a fan of the new home too!

Various images of Dobie in different settings wearing new clothing given to him. He wears the same charming smile in each photo.

Along with the updated house, I gifted him a bunch of clothing that fit his new occupation!

Long Pleather Coat
Checkered Sweater Vest
Short Peacoat
Argyle Vest
Squared Browline Glasses

That's one resident settled on!
Next one will play just as an important role, if not more so... 🐦‍⬛
.entry 02 --
Text image that reads Path Designs. The Custom Design and Island Construction apps are located in the corner.

To take a break with home remodeling, I started looking into maybe changing how the island's roads looked. I've stuck with the default wood pathing for so long due to never finding a custom design that suited me. I've been searching for a brick or wood pattern that was dark, but not too desaturated. It took way longer than I would have liked, but I finally found one!

A dark brown brick custom design. Creator code: MA-0563-5367-1669

The celebration was cut short though when I realized I ran into a new problem. I wanted to add a second pattern into the road design. Problem is though, those specific kind of designs are made to work with the default pathing only. The only way to get around this would be to recreate this brick design and draw the second path on top of it.

I struggled with this as I had to eyeball the colors used in the original and figure out what kind of accent path would even work well with it. After a bit of searching and trying some designs out next to the brick design, I found one that looked quite nice paired up to it.

A dark gray to black diagonal brick pattern. Creator code: MA-5819-0837-6435

So with that, I started what is essentially smashing two different designs together. It took many days. Truth be told, I probably went about it the dumbest way possible. But I slowly managed to throw something together...

Process of combining both patterns together. Resident rep is shrugging as he's checking that they pattern creates a clean octagon.
Process of combining both patterns together. In this image, the resident rep is in thought looking at how the pattern looks underneath items.

It's not a one-to-one, and it really shouldn't be, but I like how it came out!

Image depicting the final results of combining both custom designs together. The combination is almost seamless.

.entry 03 --

It has been about a month since my last update. Some might think it's because I ended up quitting too soon... quite the opposite actually..!

Soon after completing the path design from the last update, I quickly began changing parts of my island's entrance area, that then turned into the whole residence building area!

I got to work and ended up losing track of time and was too fixated to stop once I got going. Took quite a while but I'm really happy with the progress so far, so I wanted to share some video of the brand new look!

( Unfortunately I didn't think to take before pictures of every area I worked on, so I'm hoping some folks remembered how bare my island looked beforehand. )

This video showcases the library and postal area. Bones' house acts as the library with an outdoor sitting area located behind.

This one shows the area located east of the building, where a dino sitting spot is displayed behind a parking and flower square. Located south is the junkyard managed by Kyle, he'll be acting as the mechanic and muscle.

Lastly, this video shows the area behind the building and down to the shopping center. Dobie's agency can be seen across the street north of the building.

The only part I have yet to change is the fountain area in front of the residence building, but I'll get to it soon!

In the last couple of days I've been working on redoing the campsite area and the northern area between the museum and residence building. They're nearly complete so I'll post the before and afters in the coming days.
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