

Deleted User

:gyroidsideways: Hello Everyone!!!

My name is Sam/23/Male. New member here. I don't have the game yet for my wii, but will have it very soon. I can't wait to make some new friends to join and visit all the towns. Well not sure how everything works yet, so if any1 wants to show me around soon, please message me or post i guess. Very new to using online site like this.
animefan22 said:
:gyroidsideways: Hello Everyone!!!

My name is Sam/23/Male. New member here. I don't have the game yet for my wii, but will have it very soon. I can't wait to make some new friends to join and visit all the towns. Well not sure how everything works yet, so if any1 wants to show me around soon, please message me or post i guess. Very new to using online site like this.
what is this I don't even.

your age does not match your demeanor, bro. or maybe I'm just used to grizzled internet veterans.

either way, best not be trawllin. and welcome, too. :D

not sure what u are getting at, but anyway I've never used a forum before so thats new to me.

sup. I don't think a whole lot of people play animal crossing here anymore, but if you want some active players, I've heard zap heroes is good/active, there's a thread somewhere if you search. good luck, bro.
not so much behind the times, as much as ahead of the loop. the 3ds is getting a new animal crossing game when it's released, so if you're in the mood for animal crossing, you'll be fine.
Pssst theres a photo thread go post a photo so we know what you look like.
dude he has spyke in his avatar. I do not know if I should be inclined to speak to this man.
Hello, welcome to TBT! As another said, take no one seriously, unless if they are actually serious(in which you must find out). The rules are as followed. No eating while the ride is in session. No taking pictures while the ride is in session. And mostly, don't be a jerk-face or a troll. The ride is now being, our assistants will come around to make sure you are secure. Have a nice ride, it's your choice :)