invite me to weed your town ,please?


Crazy cat dad
Nov 11, 2014
100% (278) +
I have beautiful town ordinance so I get very few weeds. Currently going for the gold badge and in need of help. Please let me know if you can have me over and we can work out a time to meet in-game
hi there! my old town is full of weeds so you can come over whenever you would like to, i am free all day :)
Sorry I didn't see this, was out of the house most of the day. If you have any free time today I'd love to come over and weed
Sorry for the late reply, you can still come over if you have any free time.
Seems we missed each other. Perhaps we can settle on a day and time for me to drop by. I'm PST if that makes any difference as far as planning goes
Sure! Sorry for the late reply. I am (GMT+2). Do you have any free time between 1 pm pst and 4 pm pst? If I am not wrong that's between 10 pm and 1 am (GMT+2) for me, so that's when I have time. :)
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My offer of 500 weeds for 50TBT and 1000 weeds for 100TBT still stands

Sorry, thought I had replied. I'll take you up on it. We'll need to figure out a time, and things are getting a little hectic in the real world for me. Maybe Saturday morning?

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Sure! Sorry for the late reply. I am (GMT+2). Do you have any free time between 1 pm pst and 4 pm pst? If I am not wrong that's between 10 pm and 1 am (GMT+2) for me, so that's when I have time. :)

See above
I can't Saturday but I can on Sunday. Are you available tomorrow anytime at all?
How many weeds did you want me to set up for you? We can always do it in batches.
Tomorrow might work. It's almost 8pm where I am if you're not in the same timezone, I can check in tomorrow morning after 7am and we can plan from there. as for how many? However many you can get for me. Let's say 1000 in total to start off with
I'm in EST time zone and it's 11:03PM. If you're available after 7AM, I assume that's 10AM here.
That will work on my end and I will prepare the 1000 weeds for you in advance.
Is that good for you?