Pokémon Is anyone else torn between Rolwet and Litten?!


ACNL still rules me
Jun 17, 2015
Lump of Coal
Jingle Christmas Doll
Timmy Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Rip Popplio or whatever his name is (see that popp-whatever I don't love you enough to remember your name <___<)

But yeah is anyone torn between Rowlet and Litten like I am? I love owls but I adore kittens ;-;

I won't be able to choose until I see both evolution lines
I want to check if they have any dual types. Rowlet is pretty obvious with grass/flying but I'm not entirely sure about the other two.
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I have never been torn by two starters ever, this hurts my soul so much
I was for all of five minutes. I adore pretty much all the cat pokemon so Litten was a given once I got over the initial "omg so cute" looking at Rowlett. All the "IT'S LIT HAHA 4/20 BLAZE IT" jokes are annoying after the first dozen but eh, not like I'll be seeing those in the actual game.

...hopefully. :p

buut I think litten is better, depends on their evolutions too as well
I am on team Litten but I have a funny feeling that Rolwet's final form will be better than Litten's, making me want to switch over. In X and Y, I was on Team Fennekin SO hard but when its final form was released... it was the biggest slap in the face. I still picked Fennekin because foxes are my favourite animals but I couldn't evolve it to Delphox, heck no. Such a horribly ugly Pokemon.
Not really. As mentioned in another thread, I usually get both games when they come out (either at the same time or within a months time span). I'll most likely end up using all three starters on my save file.
I can't judge which I like the most by just seeing the first stage.
kinda wanna see their final stages
As of this moment, no. I'm firmly in Team Rowlet's camp because I really love birds, especially owls. That said, Litten is my second favorite and I think it looks pretty nice. I'm looking forward to seeing what all three starters will look like in their final forms.
I'm torn between all of them!

I love them all, and am not sure which one I am going to choose. As you said, I am going to wait for the evolution lines to make my final decision. But who knows, once I get the game and see the Pokemon in person, on my DS, I might change my mind altogether.
I have been torn by a few starters now and then. But you know, I've always gone with the water starters and even more these days because the last few gens, people were disliking water starters (A.K.A Oshawott, Froakie, and Popplio). But you know what? I will do what I did in the past gen. And that is to show them how strong these "unloved" pok?mon are. Of course, i cannot say I dislike them because I love all of the starters in general.

Heck, if I was given the chance, I'd take all 21 starters now.
Eh unless they make Rowlet's other stages of evolution really great, Litten for sure (unless that is fire fighting as usual lmao...)
I feel the same way! I can't choose between Litten and Rowlet! I'll probably decide by what their final forms look like....
Yup, I'm the only one who doesn't like Rolwet. Litten looks like a brimstone-spitting cool guy, I'm definitely picking him.
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Rowlett is the only good Generation 7 Starter.

That is your opinion though. In my opinion, all 3 Generation 7 Starters are good. And I will try to do the same thing for a few friends about Oshawott. I will make them think they chose the wrong pok?mon to be competitive when all 3 of them are good in their own way.

Yup, I'm the only one who doesn't like Rolwet. Litten looks like a brimstone-spitting cool guy, I'm definitely picking him.

Rainbow, trust me when I say this. I have a few friends who do not like Rowlet. Not in here though unfortunately. Outside of the forums. But at least you are not saying Litten is the only good one as I think all starters are good.
litten easily. mainly because its a cat and it already looks so badass even before evolution. its also the first black fire type. when i saw rowlet for the first time, i thought id go for it but now im getting litten for sure. rowlet and its evo dont look like they're gonna have a great movepool.