Is anyone NOT upgrading their house any further?


#1 Alfonso Fan
Feb 4, 2013
Throwback Tickets
A feature I discovered and absolutely adore in this game, is the fact that expansions for your home are optional. It always bugged me before when Nook would be like "Now that your home is paid off, I just KNOW you want to go into more dept to make it bigger, yes?" "Erm.. no, not real-" "OF COURSE YOU DO!"

So on that note, I've paid off my loan for the first home expansion, and think I might leave it like that for a while.

Is anyone else deciding to not upgrade their house any further? Or at least not for a while?
I think it's cute as a tent but I definitely want a mansion back, haha. I loved having themed rooms :)
Tent time forever. It's in-TENTS! (get it? Intense? IN... TENTS!) Har har har... I actually do wish I could keep a tent forever, but that would probably just never work since I like making nice interior design. :p
I already know that my upstairs will stay 6x6. And same with the room on the right (main floor). Room on the left will be 8x8 along with my downstairs library.

That will probably be it for a while until I feel the need to add that back room (It might just end up being a closet :p)
for those who want to stay in the tent, why not make a second character? That way you can have a tent AND a mansion. Best of both worlds.
I haven't gone further than the second expansion. There hasn't been much nice furniture popping up in my town, no sense for me to upgrade yet. :p
My first room is 8x8 and I don't feel the need to really expand more. I might add a side room or something but I'm not in a hurry. I need my bells for this dumb bridge I need to keep cancelling because the placement is always different from what I think it is. :\ They need to zoom out more when showing the preview!
My first room is 8x8 and I don't feel the need to really expand more. I might add a side room or something but I'm not in a hurry. I need my bells for this dumb bridge I need to keep cancelling because the placement is always different from what I think it is. :\ They need to zoom out more when showing the preview!

Try placing patterns near where you want it, that might help.
My first room is 8x8 and I don't feel the need to really expand more. I might add a side room or something but I'm not in a hurry. I need my bells for this dumb bridge I need to keep cancelling because the placement is always different from what I think it is. :\ They need to zoom out more when showing the preview!
I need my bells for this dumb bridge I need to keep cancelling because the placement is always different from what I think it is. :\ They need to zoom out more when showing the preview!

Sloppy game design; & the other screen is empty too. It's like they want us to redo things.

IMO, the tent looked great. There should be a in-game holiday where the residents go camping. Too bad that a Mayor living in a tent just isn't politically acceptable.

Lightbulb... since we finance all the projects, why shouldn't the villagers pay taxes?! What a :lemon:
My room is 6 x 6 now, and I'm waiting to expand because I want to enter the home decoration contest! I'm not sure if you can see the whole room to take a picture of it after it's large. I already can't show off my wall stuff.
for those who want to stay in the tent, why not make a second character? That way you can have a tent AND a mansion. Best of both worlds.

That's what I'm going to do... Mayor Me will live in a mansion, and eventually I'll make the other three character slots and they will all live in tents in a little campsite area near my largest pond. :D It's going to be adorable. :D
I'm gonna max out my basement and then probably add one more room as kinda like a game/visitor room since my basement is for collectables and nintendo stuff
I'm gonna upgrade as fast as I can (w/out TTing of course). See no reason not to, even though most of the rooms will probably be barren until I collect enough furniture =P

Tomorrow my house will have an 8x8 main room and 8x8 upstairs. I plan on getting the basement next.
My house needs to get as large as possible so that it's ready for when i actually get furniture.
Now how cool would it be if you could upgrade the tent size instead and have smaller tents inside act like rooms? Regardless, I've already upgraded thrice, so I figure I'll just go until I can't go anymore. I'm in no hurry.
I really like this new feature too. I've always wanted to keep my house small but I still wanted to pay off my loans too. :)
I have a 6x6 house and I'm gonna keep it that way for now.
I want a living room, bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom. What I do beyond that I'll wait and decide.