Is it bad to let the 3DS battery run out?

Ghost Soda

(he him or they them)
Aug 23, 2013
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Some people tell me you're supposed to let it run out before you charge it, or else it won't last as long next time and others say it's bad for the battery to let it run out. So, which is it?
You shouldn't regularly let the battery drain until it's completely dead. That's generally considered not healthy for a battery (though occasionally is fine of course, it happens). There's some debate about if it's best to charge lithium ion batteries (what the 3ds has) only when they're at "low battery"?basically when the battery light is red?or if charging whenever is fine. There's no clear consensus, but from personal experience I recommend waiting until it's red until you charge it. This is what I do 95% of the time, and I haven't noticed any decrease in my 3ds battery's performance in the 2.5 years I've had it.
I usually wait til it is red at least. Sometimes I go til it is flashing cause I like the thrill. Lmao.
Sometimes I forget about my 3DS in my bag when get home from streetpassing. Doesn't seem to do anything bad but if it is done regularly it could cause problems with the battery
For me when I close my 3DS it never loses power. For example, At school my 3ds was 3 bars and i left it on in my bag. After the 7 hours of school, still 3 bars. I think i have a true gift. lol
I charge it every night regardless, and if it goes red I sometimes charge it earlier in the day, and there hasn't been any decrease in the battery.
I don't think mine ever ran out completely, I had the blinking red a few times when not charging it and such, but to be honest people are on both sides with this I think... I usually to charge mine if it's down to two bars cause then I know it will be red so I try to keep it 'healthy'.
I charge my New 3DS XL when it is not in use. My Galaxy S4 has a lithium-ion battery so I do the same with it as I do my 3DS.

Just charge as you do with your cell phones.
I don't think so? I always play until it's in red, and nowadays it still works perfectly as it did the first day :)
I don't think so? I always play until it's in red, and nowadays it still works perfectly as it did the first day :)

yeah i usually let it run red unless i'm taking it out for a walk and it's low, then i let it charge so it doesn't die when i do sp games
Yes, same me. Truth be told I only went strolling around with my 3DS thrice or so, but I would charge it before I go anyway.
I think it is fine. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I usually wait until I am red before charging, and nothing had happened so far. My battery life seems the same.
I read somewhere that it doesn't really matter when or how you charge the battery--just don't put the battery in drastic temperature changes.
I usually let it run red and then charge it. I've rarely ever let it run out.
I heard it can be bad for the battery if you let it drain completely before charging. That's why I always have my 3DS on my charger, unless I'm going out for the day and I plan to get an extra Play Coin. I only let it die out completely once, and that's because I left it at home and I was at my aunt's for Thanksgiving. Now I always bring my charger (because I'm a paranoid loon), just in case I spend the night over at someone's place.

I'd say leave it on the charger while at home, but if you're going out then make sure to at least have the charger with you just in case. Sure, letting the battery die every now and then isn't bad but letting it happen too often can damage it.
I heard it can be bad for the battery if you let it drain completely before charging. That's why I always have my 3DS on my charger, unless I'm going out for the day and I plan to get an extra Play Coin. I only let it die out completely once, and that's because I left it at home and I was at my aunt's for Thanksgiving. Now I always bring my charger (because I'm a paranoid loon), just in case I spend the night over at someone's place.

I'd say leave it on the charger while at home, but if you're going out then make sure to at least have the charger with you just in case. Sure, letting the battery die every now and then isn't bad but letting it happen too often can damage it.

so you have it plugged in 24/7? thats bad for your battery too its over charging
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It's okay if your 3DS shuts down due to the lack of battery once or twice, but if it happens on the regular basis, there's going to be a lot of damage. Contrary, as Greninja said, constantly charging your 3DS is bad for its health. Honestly, just charge it when the lights blink red or if you don't have a charger, shut it down and charge it when you have access to one.
Has Resetti taught you nothing?
Everyone saying overcharging is a thing doesn't know they have a block on the battery so you can't overcharge it, it's been debated that charging frequently is less risky then letting the power die, ive had my 3DS since 2012 original model and have yet to have a single problem with continuous charges : ) then again this is just what I do everyone has their own methods and thoughts on the matter o/