Is it me or does every year ever since 2018 feel the same


Mayor of Hakiki'ili
Jul 16, 2015
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I legit sometimes forget it's 2020 and 2019 felt kinda non-existent. Idk 2017 was lit and then 2018 onward just feels like the same year is never ending.

I'd be telling stories to people THIS YEAR and mess up the timestamps and I'd be like "Oh! 4 years ago?! What! I mean 6 years ago! It's not 2018, riiiiight."

I feel like I'm going INSANE though. PLEASE someone confirm we have another time traveler stuck in 2018 or some other year-
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2018 was a year where a lot of good and bad things happened to me, so I find myself often telling people about stories of things that happened during that year/when i'm just recalling the chronological order of how certain things have happened.

I don't blame you bc I feel the same way sometimes haha
Yeah pretty much every year since 2016 as been the same... for me anyways. Wanna make 2020 a good year tho.
2016 is the year that won't end. A certain US president was elected, my fellow countryfolk decided to forcibly eject me from the EU via referendum... and we're still dealing with those things. It hasn't finished. It's all blending together.

Good things have happened since then, of course, and my life has much to be happy about, but it also has bad things, some of it professional, some of it cultural, some of it personal. On balance, I believe I'll look back on the past three years as a bad time in my life. I hope 2020 will be the year I feel free of it, but actually I think 2020 will be the year I begin the process of healing (step one was admitting the problems to myself and loved ones last month), with 2021 being the good year.

It doesn't help that we receive our news so quickly now too - it's very hard to unplug from everything thanks to smartphones, so everything feels like it happened both 'just yesterday' but also a million years ago.

edit: 2016 was also the year I think everyone's collective enthusiam about technology was destroyed. We saw how fake news propogates and cocoons peoples thoughts. We woke up to the dangers of social media.

I think generally I'd define the first half of the 2010s as a period of great optimism, and the second half as a never-ending feeling of crushing reality.

While it's not fine, it's also somewhat normal in that this is how things tend to operate. The optimism of the 60s was replaced with the cynicism of the 70s, which in turn the capitalist enthusiam of the 80s, and so on.

Time is a flat circle.
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Yeah, every year since like, 2014 and onwards feels the same to me to be honest. Actually, lately I’ve been feeling like everything kind of just repeats itself. Soon I’ll be moving on to the next chapter in my life though, so hopefully when that happens I can break free from all of this.
i mean the eu referendum was in 2016 so until the end of january basically everything was about brexit lmao
glad we're out of that time loop now
i mean the eu referendum was in 2016 so until the end of january basically everything was about brexit lmao
glad we're out of that time loop now
We're not going to be out of it for quite a while longer. Now there's the trade deal negotiation, which will last at least a year and already is looking like a headache. Then there'll be the fallout from it once the final deal comes into effect. I don't think we're going to be done talking/thinking about it for another decade.
Nah, you're not alone. No worries. 2017, 18, and 19 all felt like they were in the same year for me- possibly because of the absolute crap that took place within the span of those years. I often get them confused. Looking back, I count them as one long, horrid year.

I'm so happy that 2020 doesn't feel that way. Hopefully, you get out of the sensation you're in. This year can be your year of 2020 vision.
I think that's just how time is once you become a real adult. For me, everything since 2012 felt the same, I think it's just because I wasn't growing mentally as a teenager anymore, like now things will only change if I actively do something.
I personally forget 99% of my life prior to 2015 and the last 5 meld together. Is it 2016? Who knows
Time is just flying by now. I’d be scrolling through my Youtube recommendations and see a song I feel was released last year, and it’ll say “4 years ago”. I remember I used to watch a lot of the Fine Bros reaction videos, I recently got a recommendation of one of their new videos and one of the kids that was practically a baby when I last watched is all grown up. I’m sitting there thinking, where has all this time gone?

Idk, maybe I’m just getting old.
2018 was one of the worst years of my life so far; i know a lot of people feel that way about 2019 but for me personally, 2019 was a lot better than 2017 or 2018 was. as for 2020, it’s been uh ... not very exciting lmao.

but yeah, the last few years have felt the same, especially since my days all look the same
2019 was my absolute low but only the first half until like may. the rest of 2019 and 2018 definitely felt the same. 2020 has been really different though since i've transferred schools and everything's new. let's see how the rest of the year goes