Is some grass wear just irreparable?


Giveaways and Turnips!
Aug 22, 2013
Throwback Tickets
New Horizons Token
October Birthstone (Opal)
I have random dirt patches in my town and grass won't grow over them no matter what. I have flowers planted on top and I water them everyday.
Whenever a villager moves out or I demolish a house and it leaves a big chunk of dirt, grass regrows over those areas after about a week.
I believe there are a few areas in your town that are just permanently bald, despite any attempts to grow grass.
That's a horrible decision on the developer's part. There's just huge chunks of dirt splattered all over town....
the perma-patches are usually pretty small.
just path over them, or cover them with pwps
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Did you know that stepping on flowers that are placed on dirt negates the benefit of watering those flowers? I don't understand how I'm supposed to fix anything, to be honest. If I place the flowers in like, a ring around the dirt patch and water those, won't the outside of the ring also lose grass?
Did you know that stepping on flowers that are placed on dirt negates the benefit of watering those flowers? I don't understand how I'm supposed to fix anything, to be honest. If I place the flowers in like, a ring around the dirt patch and water those, won't the outside of the ring also lose grass?

I have a really large dead patch and it takes more than nine flowers to cover it. I have to step on the flowers to water all of them -.-
I hope they get rid of grass wear altogether in the next game or at least make it optional.

- - - Post Merge - - -

the perma-patches are usually pretty small.
just path over them, or cover them with pwps

The patches I have aren't all round. Most of them are long. I tried covering them with PWP and this just causes them to branch out and become larger. The locations of the dirt patches aren't really in places where covering them with paths would look good :(
I have a really long patch in the lower half of my town, it's really annoying because no matter how many flowers I put down it still looks ridiculous. Also, is it just me or does the grass wear look worse in the rain?
I've done a few experiments on grass healing.

Exhibit A:

First picture was the "present". Second picture was a month later of not playing. Third picture is 10 years later of not playing. As you can see, there is a dirt patch right next to the fountain that refuses to heal. No matter how much time passed(in this case 10 years) it still remains.

(click picture to go to the larger version)

This was another experiment. First picture was the "present". Second was one week of not playing. Third picture is two weeks without playing. The patches that are not healed were present from the first day of my game. Pretty much not playing for two weeks completely cures it.

The problem is this though: It seems grass wear spreads from it's original source. So, that tiny little dirt patch you had present in the first day? It'll be come huge if it's near a path or some heavy-traveled route. It's...rather annoying. The best solution for the permanent ones is to find where they are(by either not playing for two weeks, or being really careful about TTing two weeks in the future) and placing PWPs on it so you can't really see them.
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