Is the Golden super mailbox worth it?


mr struggle
Aug 21, 2014
Blue Toy Car
Playful Scenery
Playful Scenery
Playful Scenery
Red Toy Car
Strawberry Doll
Quirky Doll
The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
Pavé Purple Feather
Purple Mailbox
Is it really worth it to not have to clear out your inbox loads?

I'm tempted to purchase it, but I'm not sure.
Unless you are super popular and get loads of messages everyday then it is a good buy. But honestly, its so easy to clear your inbox. If you have nothing else to spend for (achieved ultimate dream town, collectibles, etc.) then go ahead and buy it.
unless you get tons and tons of PM's per day, no
it doesn't take a couple clicks to clear out your inbox when you need to
I haven't had too ever since I got it forever ago.

But I'm super unpopular so it could be different for the cool kids
Like the others said. If you are popular. If you have nothing to spend your TBT on, I'll take 1,200 for a username change.
I can think of several messages that had to be cleared to make room and now wish I had. Recently it came in handy to prove exactly how a transaction went down. It sure beats copying and pasting messages and saving in word or an email. With the fair going on it's good to keep track of tickets you receive. I'd say get it.
I do not know about popular, but that mailbox sure has encouraged me to keep up my laziness when it comes to clearing the inbox.