Is there an established etiquette on Wi-Fi feedback?


Meduka... RABU!
May 21, 2014
Is it a bit of a social faux pas to not leave feedback for Wi-fi interaction? Should we be leaving feedback for every time we connect, no matter how short or trivial the visit/stay? Are there any do's and don't's when it comes to feedback? (So I don't derp and fall and embarrass myself toooo much) Thank you!

Apologies if these are questions already addressed elsewhere; I looked at the other sub-forums and their stickies and may have missed it.
You don't have to leave wi-fi feedback, but I'd say it's the polite thing to do, especially if they give you some first. There really aren't any do's and don'ts. Just be honest, and don't submit fictitious feedback.
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It is best to do so, you're being polite like that. I don't like when I give one to people and they don't give me one back. :0