is this a glitch?


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2008
i'm trying to take a picture of kapp'n in the roost talking to me, but for some reason, the picture won't save to my SD card. i get an error message that reads:

"There is no SD Card inserted in the Wii.
Please insert an SD Card into the Wii and try again."

but if i'm not talking to him (or brewster), then i can save pictures to my SD card. has this happened to anyone else? i've tried talking to other NPCs, but it works just fine.

anyone know what's wrong?
bloodbend3r said:
i'm trying to take a picture of kapp'n in the roost talking to me, but for some reason, the picture won't save to my SD card. i get an error message that reads:

"There is no SD Card inserted in the Wii.
Please insert an SD Card into the Wii and try again."

but if i'm not talking to him (or brewster), then i can save pictures to my SD card. has this happened to anyone else? i've tried talking to other NPCs, but it works just fine.

anyone know what's wrong?
Try taking out your SD card....blowing on it a few times (lol it works for me) then firmly insert it back into the Wii....
I got that error, but when I tried to take a photo of something else it worked.
Try taking out your SD card....blowing on it a few times (lol it works for me) then firmly insert it back into the Wii....

i tried that. several times, as a matter of fact. i can take pictures of other things and save them, it was just when i was talking to either kapp'n or brewster in the roost that it wouldn't work.
Happens to me all the time! All I do is save go on the photo channel check my S.D. card photos and they load perfectly! I go on my game again then try to save a pic it works! Thats all I do!
i know this doesnt go with ac but in my SD card for super smash bros i taake a pic and it says my SD card is locked????? i hope it doesn't do that with accf
S.D. card is locked strange hace you ever tried to delete all the pictues u saved on the S.D. card with that game? That might work...not sure though!
RiiRii said:
S.D. card is locked strange hace you ever tried to delete all the pictues u saved on the S.D. card with that game? That might work...not sure though!
yea i tried almost everythiing
There (should be) a little white thing on the side of your SD card, push it up or down then try again. That unlocks it.
Same problem with me.
"Do not take pictures during the show"
Brewster says before K.K. Slider.
Mabye this is why?