Day 82. Well, today was my first full day of routine, real life scheduling. I woke up after sleeping in, something I hadn't done in a very long time... and boy did it feel good! Then, I went to church for an hour. Afterwards, I came home and pretty much chilled out the rest of the day. I didn't do anything really special, just played a ton of 3DS. By the way, I love my 3DS. It is easily the best system Nintendo has made, and perhaps the best available system now. There are hardly any flaws, and it has HUGE potential. I have Street Fighter 4, so if you do as well, let me know if you want to battle. I use Zangeif a lot, and be warned... I am a beast with him! haha. Really, the only other things I did that day were take iPod shuffle quizzes (read more about them in the basement), talked to some friends on Facebook, walked my dog, walked some more on the treadmill to rack up steps on my 3DS, and read What a life, right? I guess that's it for today. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I'm going to post today (Monday)'s blog and Tuesday's. Then, I'm all caught up. Woo! Until then, seeya!
Question of the day: Do you own a 3DS? Do you like it?
Question of the day: Do you own a 3DS? Do you like it?