Island layout preferences

Which do you prefer

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Apr 3, 2020
Out of these three layouts, what plaza placement do you prefer (more centered or more to the left)? And do you prefer two southern river outlets or west and south? Considering resetting instead if flattening (I currently have the west/south layout). Fee free to share your thoughts! Thanks in advance :)

personally I'm not a huge fan of double south exits so in terms of river I'd probably go for the third one! I don't like the narrow bits on either side of the map you get from double south but that's just my opinion. and in terms of RS I'd go for a more central one because I keep toying with the idea of doing cliffs all around it with ramps leading down, and I feel like overall you have more options with what to do with it if it's central. although obviously with these maps you can't have both haha, RS position doesn't bother me all too much so I'd probably pick the third map
I've never had a double-south, but I don't hear good things about them. So I picked the last one. Plus the town hall is up and away from the airport, which potentially opens that area for other things.
Oooo I have a problem with all those. I wouldn’t suggest double south exits ( I currently have it and it’s a nightmare). I’m far too into the game to reset though. That leaves the last option as viable, but I really don’t like the location of the resident services.
Oooo I have a problem with all those. I wouldn’t suggest double south exits ( I currently have it and it’s a nightmare). I’m far too into the game to reset though. That leaves the last option as viable, but I really don’t like the location of the resident services.
Yeah finding a perfect layout is a pain lol What would be your ideal layout?
Yeah finding a perfect layout is a pain lol What would be your ideal layout?
I don’t really look at rivers and ponds much, since those we could always terraform. For me an ideal layout would be sort of like the last map, but with a centered resident services. I don’t like the resident services too much to the sides. It would look great like the third map but with the services in the location of the second.

I just realized the second map looks strangely like mine. It has the same top rocks, same redd, same peninsula location, same residential and airport location and double south rivers.
I’ve had both since I reset my first island. Based from my experience, they each have pros and cons. Balloon farming is easier on double south exits. However, I tend to have this thing where I force things to be symmetrical when I’m designing a double south exit map. And I’m not a big fan of symmetry. Lol. I kinda like things to look more natural than landscaped. My current island has a south east exit and I’m happier with it. Easier to see river fish that can only be caught in the mouth and also there’s more space for experimentation in terms of design. This is why I voted for the third map.
Of these, I would pick the heart lake one. One thing I've noticed with my current island is that I like it when the sides of the second level are narrow. On my newest reset island, I have some big second level areas and I'm not using them very well. On the heart lake map, the second levels are narrow and there are lots of waterfalls. I really like that map and I'm pretty envious of it. :)

Now I want to reset my newest island, lol, but I could always terraform it, I guess.
Yeah the double south river exits are pretty hard to utilize and I ended up covering one my rivers than trying figure out how to use the thin strips of land.

The first map is more interesting than the second map (especially if you were to keep the natural river) but the right river exit gives you the tiny strip of land. You might be figuring out how to rework that.

Second map has bigger strips of land and that bulbous peninsula that people like.

The third is interesting. I don't know if I like how far the resident service is but it's also still unique and could be fun to play with.
I don't mind the small strips of land when I have south river exits. I usually use them for my fruit trees and in one case I had a little south to north walking path/sculpture garden, which was very pretty.
I used to have an island with two south river exits and I had no clue how to decorate those strips of land either side of the river, but I've seen people decorate those areas really nicely. I voted the second option because it's my favourite map of the lot, and utilising those strips of land certainly isn't impossible, you're just slightly more restricted. plus the RS is a good distance from the airport.
I do prefer river exits on the west/east, but I'm not a huge fan of the river on the third map.
hm. honestly, i don’t have many island layout preferences except for wanting rs to be as centred as possible. that being said, i like #3’s rs placement the most but i prefer #1’s rivers, too, so combining the two would probably be an ideal map for me aha. :’^)
hm. honestly, i don’t have many island layout preferences except for wanting rs to be as centred as possible. that being said, i like #3’s rs placement the most but i prefer #1’s rivers, too, so combining the two would probably be an ideal map for me aha. :’^)
Good thing rivers are changeable (painfully for sure) :)