but someone had some fun

Dang that sucks i get on here through school all the time in fact I am posting from school right now lol it's the only place thats not blocked by sonicwall.ZELDAFREAK104 said:pfft... i do that all the time, or I used to on the school computers. But the school's IP got banned...
It s because of people like them that I failed my football report.
I started like this,
"Many wonder, what exactly is football? The answer is simple, i like potatoes."
Of course I really didn't do that.
A fake Chinese emperor would be pretty cool....
How bout Emperor Shimeroshi, of the Ming Ling Ding Dynasty, Whose blade according to lgend could slaay hundred men in one blow?
It wassunate said:SPORGE27 said:I HATE WHOEVER DID THAT!
It s because of people like them that I failed my football report.
I started like this,
"Many wonder, what exactly is football? The answer is simple, i like potatoes."
Of course I really didn't do that.
A fake Chinese emperor would be pretty cool....
How bout Emperor Shimeroshi, of the Ming Ling Ding Dynasty, Whose blade according to lgend could slaay hundred men in one blow?
:huh: Wat something about a chineese empora.