It's Just a Message Board


могу я что-нибудь сказать?
Sep 15, 2013
Throwback Tickets
New Leaf Token
Blue Bunny Balloon
Red Heart Balloon
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Red Envelope
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
Lost Book
Toy Duck Plush
Mother's Day Carnation
Since the blog is going bye-bye I just wanted to make one last entry(not that I made a whole lot of 'em before)in the hopes that it will help somebody out.

There is a member here that has been banished several times from these forums and always for the same reason:They take it too seriously,get upset,get mad and then they get banned.This person has a tremendous enthusiasm for Animal Crossing that I've always appreciated but they can't seem to stick around for more than a few months at a time.If they read this I'd like to give them some advice...advice that was given to me many years ago in a place much like this one.It's only a message isn't life and death.It's supposed to be a fun and relaxing place where you can just hang out and share your thoughts.Every post you make doesn't have to be some sort of declaration of your personal belief system and when people disagree with you,don't get upset and start thrashing away at the keyboard.Step away and think before you post something you'll regret.I don't know if you realize it but you're among friends here.
I think this blog could use a few more punctuation spaces. It's a little hard to read imo due to being so cramped.

Still, thnx for writing this. I'm sure whoever it is meant for will be very appreciative. :)
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greenfrog100;bt17534 said:
I think this blog could use a few more punctuation spaces. It's a little hard to read imo due to being so cramped.

Still, thnx for writing this. I'm sure whoever it is meant for will be very appreciative. :)

I used a new font called Difficultaread so yeah,my bad.