It's solsticeviolet!


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2008
Hello Bell Tree-dwellers!

The name's solsticeviolet, but you can call me Violet! I got here via YouTube and I'm glad to be here. Seems like a really nice looking forum. I'm a member of ACC, but I don't do much there other than keep track of my inventory, lol. The Bell Tree is very shiny!

I've pre-ordered City Folk via Amazon, but I do own Wild World (though I don't use the wifi that much) and the GameCube game. I've only been playing AC since May and have been utterly hooked since then. I started playing because I managed to get my hands on a DS Lite. First handheld I've owned, though I played my brother's GameBoy about 15 years ago... I suppose that dates me, doesn't it? :$

Anyhoo, just saying hello and see you around town! :gyroidflingarms:
Hola, and welcome to TBT!
Glad to see you here!
I think you'll find TBT to be much more of a "Community" than ACC since we don't have tens of thousands of members, and everyone interacts with everyone.
Thanks for the welcome, Darth! :gyroidcircle:

It is a very nice board, indeed. I can already tell that it's a pretty tightly-knit place. It's a nice change to find a place like this!

This bunny is cuter :p