It's too easy to steal and delete


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2012
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Orange Mote of Flame
So my youger siblings recently got their own copy of Animal Crossing New Leaf to share. Let me just say it hasn't been very long but already theyre going into each other's accounts to steal money, resulting in accounts getting deleted and then the whole town getting restarted as revenge...

I feel it is too easy to go into someone else's account to do this and too easy to delete an account too! A password would be really useful but then what if you forget your password and get locked out of your account and can't reset the town. Also buying second hand copies would be a problem if someone else has a password on it.

Ahhh I wish there was a good solution to this.
Wow that sucks...I don't have any siblings thankfully, but it really is too easy to go into someone else's game,
Maybe the solution is simpler: get the adult in charge of you to teach your siblings' that this isn't ok.

I guess a system like you're suggesting could work if it had a neutral "reset town" option in the main menu. That way you could still reset your town if your forgot your password or if you bought a used copy.
How old are your younger siblings, and how often do they play video games? Rather than being held back, they should probably learn to respect each other's save files and not steal in-game belongings in the first place. In any game you can easily delete someone else's file if you just start it up, overwrite it, etc., so if you use this opportunity to teach them now, you'll prevent situations like this from happening in the future.
My sister played Wild World every single day without time travel for over a year. She had just finished her museum. She loved her Wild World town. Then she made her oldest son mad, and he took revenge and deleted her town. A year of work down the drain. I felt so bad for her.
I hear what everyone is saying about getting an adult to step in, but I agree. The game should come with some sort of safety feature if it will allow for multiple accounts on a single cartridge. I think each save file should have Isabelle/whoever is greeting set up a secret phrase with the character when it's created. If each time you were logging in the greeter said "whisper me our secret word/phrase so I know it's really you" it would prevent this sort of situation from happening and for those of us who play our cartridge alone it would just be one easy extra step to start playing the game.

The only way I see it being a problem is if the game is used. But there should be a universal "restart the town" option. I guess if a sibling gets upset enough they could reset the whole town, but then they'd lose their own progress, too.
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You know what, I think it would work great if resetting or deleting was like in Pokemon games. Where you press something like up and select and B at the same time (not like L+R where your hands are in a natural position) at the start screen to restart. That way, there's no passwords or anything but it isn't super easy (for kids) to delete accounts.
Well, not trying to be rude to your family, but I think the problem here is not the game itself but your siblings. If they have to share a copy, they should establish some kind of rules so both of them can enjoy it. You don't specificate how old are they, but if they are at least 5 (and I'm guessing they must be older in order to know how to read and basic maths), then they should be able understand this, right? Just picking at each other will take them nowhere.

On another note, I don't think any "security" measure is needed at all. I got my game as a second-hand gift from my best friend, who wasn't really interested in it, but even if she had only lend it to me, we both could have shared it perfectly, respecting each other. No password, no nothing is needed here, because the key your siblings are lacking is that, RESPECT! Besides, usually everyone gets his/her own copy of the game only for their personal use, so there's no sense in blocking it to yourself as far as I understand it.