I've given up. Going with cottagecore.


Leaving TBT for now. See you at the next AC game!
Mar 10, 2015
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Shadow Kitty Plush
Spring Shamrock
After fighting it and trying to be more original, The Path is now my fav and I think I'm going with that as my island theme.

Has anyone done the same and embraced cottagecore?

I can't decide if I want my whole island that theme or just a part of it. What did you guys do?
I'm going with a modern japanese city, also decided that after finding a good road design.
I think I will forever despise the path for how it has made its way into every town and I also really hate cores for how copy paste they are and restrict freedom.

I dont think I will ever do either. Although I will admit sometimes I come across versions of the path I've never seen before which is refreshing.
i didnt really go for a theme tbh ive decorated minimally and tried to use the natural furniture like wood, rocks, and mushrooms. i guess thats a forest theme?
If anything I've embraced what's known as fairycore I guess, but honestly, I just designed what I personally liked without regard to a unifying theme. I pretend my character is a sorceress and that's her aesthetic, lol.
I haven't gone full cottagecore, but I've definitely taken inspiration from it. It seems to be a love it or hate it style, lol, but I lean more towards love it- though I'm not the type to commit my island to one theme. I definitely see the appeal, though.

I also use a variation of "the path" but, if you could call my island any theme, I guess you could say it's retro Animal Crossing inspired- I tried to do just a cozy little rustic town. I don't use that path everywhere, but in a few places where the in-game paths just don't work because I need something more "natural" looking.
I mean, there is a version of the path for every theme you can think of. Cottagecore, fairycore, tropical, forestcore, or no theme at all with just the plain dirt version of the path.
I don't have any kind of core. My island is just... an island. Fairly natural looking. Only use the dirt path, and I only have the suspension bridges. I do have stone inclines by my house, and the path that goes from the incline to my house, and to the other incline is stone. But other than that I just... decorate with stuff to fit the season mostly. Obviously some of the furniture is fine for the entire year. Mostly the log and wood stuff. But like right now I have models of butterflies out, and I have mum cushions around and some tulip surprise toy things and the pansy tables and windflower fans, all to look like there's larger flowers and stuff like that. But during the winter, there was the ice chairs and table, and I had the sculptures, and the frozen tree, and pillars and everything. Tomorrow starts Bunny Day stuff, so I'll be crafting furniture and making my island look very EASTER oriented, and I'll leave that out for the entire month of April. Then in May I'll do a different spring like thing, possibly geared towards the fruit stuff. I just LOVE redecorating for the seasons and holidays and all that!!!
I admire people who can keep a constant theme throughout... I have like 5 going. 😅 I'm not organized and even if I try to keep 'natural and realistic' there's so many fun furniture items that I can't help but throw in some mushroom lamps or Celeste items... or whatever random items I like.

It's a tug-o'-war between natural, vintage neon Miami, old European, cute/kiddy, and celestial.

I thought about getting the path (or some version of it) for the wooded back of my island now that we have more design slots.
I think the path is nice, however it doesn’t really match what I like. I like more town-ish city like towns rather than cottage core.
I think I saw a version of it with cobblestone. Might try in a small area now that there is more slots.
that’s a valid choice - might be basic but it’s still a good theme and as long as you’re happy then that’s all that matters! i personally haven’t done cottagecore nor do i have any plans to but honestly, i don’t even know what my theme is. 🤣 i’ve been calling it “xara doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing” lmao but right now, it’s sort of a mixture of kidcore, pastel and rustic; i’ve always been awful at sticking to just one theme so i just do whatever and hope that it looks good when i’m done. :’)
Cottagecore can be quite cute, so if you like it, good choice!
I have not worked with any custom designs so far, so there's no "the path" on my island. My theme is (going to be) dark and elegant, no clue what kind of core that is. It probably has some elements of cottagecore in certain areas.
This is the second time today I've heard the "-core" suffix theme thing happening, and I don't know what it means? I'm not new to Animal Crossing at all, but I'm new to TBT and I definitely need to know what cottagecore means lol. What is "The Path", like the standard paths or are you all talking about custom designs?

I have no plans to change my island, but I do want to know what you're talking about. 😂😂
This is the second time today I've heard the "-core" suffix theme thing happening, and I don't know what it means? I'm not new to Animal Crossing at all, but I'm new to TBT and I definitely need to know what cottagecore means lol. What is "The Path", like the standard paths or are you all talking about custom designs?

I have no plans to change my island, but I do want to know what you're talking about. 😂😂

It's new to me, too... but cottagecore is a design aesthetic that's pretty popular based on natural rural themes - think, French or English country. It's woodsy, but can also be elegant. I don't know if the -core thing started on tumblr or Pinterest or where, but basically just means -style. It's a way to describe the theme... old-timey countryside cottage.

The Path is a popular dirt path custom design that mimics the path found in an old Animal Crossing game (Wild World) and is popular because it has that nature/walk in the woods type theme. There are tons of variations now, for all the seasons and for all different styles - not just dirt paths. I guess what sets it apart is that it's not a straight path, it is customizable and winding. Takes up a bunch of design slots though because it has a lot of parts.
I didn't set out to do any specific theme. I like natural towns/islands, so I guess aspects of it are "cottagecore", although I'm not defining myself in that way. I have some ruins, I have fantasy-inspired areas, and realistic rural spots. If going with a certain theme is what you enjoy, great, but it also can be somewhat limiting, IMO.
I believe -core is a bit overused and actually means something like ‘an over the top condensed version of a theme’ so for cottagecore, a cottage theme might have one laundry pail and a clothesline in a garden with flowers (like a normal cottage garden) whereas cottagecore would have little socks, laundry pails, buckets, wooden stakes, books, tiny libraries, white flowers etc. all over the place. So a condensed style to the point where it’s a bit ridiculous
Think of the most common usage, hardcore
I avoid committing to a specific theme because that would entail some limitations...like committing to a specific aesthetic of villagers (of course it's optional, but I think it would be weird to have Ribbot in a cottagecore island for example 😅 )

I like how my island is, themeless.
I can use new items that Nintendo releases without being worried about them not fitting my theme :giggle:
This is the second time today I've heard the "-core" suffix theme thing happening, and I don't know what it means? I'm not new to Animal Crossing at all, but I'm new to TBT and I definitely need to know what cottagecore means lol. What is "The Path", like the standard paths or are you all talking about custom designs?

I have no plans to change my island, but I do want to know what you're talking about. 😂😂
Frankly I hate that suffix, it came out of nowhere, and now people are putting it on everything, it's like a gaudy sticker.
I cringe whenever I see it now, and it's everywhere.
I like the path, it’s really versatile. But I like colorful stuff so my fencing and decorations and whatnot are more colorful and city-like. I can’t stick with a theme anyway so I just put down what I like :)