I've been on the boards for a little while now, but I never made an introduction.
I'm 23, in college, and am very much into Animal Crossing (and vidja games in general).
I am a Systems Development Major.
I have a 3DSXL (FC in sig) and play WW everyday Please add me! PM me if you do
(Also, my ww fc in my sig is currently incorrect until 6PM EST 11/2/12. I forgot to change it when I made the jump from the 3DS to the 3DSXL, but the 3DS FC is correct).
I'm 23, in college, and am very much into Animal Crossing (and vidja games in general).
I am a Systems Development Major.
I have a 3DSXL (FC in sig) and play WW everyday Please add me! PM me if you do
(Also, my ww fc in my sig is currently incorrect until 6PM EST 11/2/12. I forgot to change it when I made the jump from the 3DS to the 3DSXL, but the 3DS FC is correct).