Hello there, my beloved Jay asked me for permission to make his mark on the world today. And with a lump in my throat and a heavy heart, I wished him the best of luck on his endeavor. After forgetting about this site and voiding Victoria the horse... ooops... I was hoping that someone possibly might want the beloved Jay the bluebird.
He was quite the sweetheart in my town and always good for a laugh. And liked to patrol the town and main street to keep us safe. (My Hero.)
But alas, I figured it was his time to go.
If anyone is interested in this lovely please let me know, Id love for him to go to a good home if possible. <3
He was quite the sweetheart in my town and always good for a laugh. And liked to patrol the town and main street to keep us safe. (My Hero.)
But alas, I figured it was his time to go.
If anyone is interested in this lovely please let me know, Id love for him to go to a good home if possible. <3