Looking For jeremiah

Hi there: in case you are still searching for Jeremiah, I can amiibo him into boxes for you. Free to a loving home, of course.
Next time when you are back online and have space in your town, let me know? Thanks! ^^
thank you! i have one space in my town thats still open and id be on for like 5 more hours. message me when you would like to make the bullfrog exchange
thank you! i have one space in my town thats still open and id be on for like 5 more hours. message me when you would like to make the bullfrog exchange
Hello again: yikes, sorry I missed you! Seems like we have a bit of timezone differences here lol?
FYI I'm in Pacific Time (UTC -8), it's now 9:26am Sunday.
I'll be around most of today if you wanna meet up for Jeremiah! ^^
Hello again fellow Pacific member:
it's now 8:00pm. I should be available for...another 2 hrs if you'd like to adopt Jeremiah. ^^
I'll go get Jeremiah's amiibo card now. 15 mins or so? Will post again.
What's your FC? Mine is 5215-4801-7613
Let's add each other first.