Jingle's Photo not Generating


Artist Extraordinaire
Jan 29, 2013
Voodoo Doll
Pink Hybrid Lily
Red Lily
Tasty Cake
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
I've hung my toy day stockings on the wall, and while my villager jumps up to interact with them, nothing happens. I have never received his photo, and I've read online that you can get it from the object after Christmas. Any advice?
I've hung my toy day stockings on the wall, and while my villager jumps up to interact with them, nothing happens. I have never received his photo, and I've read online that you can get it from the object after Christmas. Any advice?
You can only get it on December 25. It won't be there on the 26th or any day after that. Did you try to get it on the 25th?
Afaik, as long as you hang them on the 24th, you've got about a week or so to collect. (Going off some blog posts I've read, but can't confirm personally!) but yeah, they have to be placed on Toy Day itself.
I hung the stockings on the 24th and got his photo on the 26th. I didn't know to check them on the 25th and thought they were purely decorative.
I also heard it has to be Jingles stockings, the one he gives you in the event, and not the one you buy at the store. I personally put on the 24th the stoking he gave me and the next day i found his Picture in the morning
TT'ing backwards can potentially break this. To remedy this, you need to go back to the 24th, get the stockings, hang them up, then immediately go to the 25th and collect the photo

I'm not 100% certain, but I think the photo can only be collected on the 25th, so TT'ing past the 24th may also break it.
Well...darn. I wish I knew this was a thing.

I hung the stockings on the day I got them, but, never bothered to touch them.
Well...darn. I wish I knew this was a thing.

I hung the stockings on the day I got them, but, never bothered to touch them.

Note the festive stockings and Toy Day Stockings are 2 different items, incase you're referring to the ones from Nook's Cranny.
Note the festive stockings and Toy Day Stockings are 2 different items, incase you're referring to the ones from Nook's Cranny.

No, no...I got the toy day stockings from Jingle and hung them up. I just never knew they did anything. 😅
Yeah I never got the photo either despite doing what the guide told me to do. My character just reaches up and swats at the stockings. Such a stupid mechanic.
I had no idea about this, I just checked mine and got the photo.
I didn't even know to hang up the stockings, oops. Oh well. No Jingle's photo for me :(
I didn’t play for like two days afterwards and didn’t know to check the stocking. Aghhhhhh. Well there’s always ordering one through this forum lol.
I didn’t play for like two days afterwards and didn’t know to check the stocking. Aghhhhhh. Well there’s always ordering one through this forum lol.

Did you hang the stockings up? Are they still hung up? I got it a day after Christmas because I put the stockings up and didn't interact with them until I read the forums after Christmas Day. It is worth a check if they are.
My friend also had an issue with getting the photo. I got the stockings from Jingle and imeadately put it in storage because I thought it was just another version of the ones you get at Nook's. I then found a thread the next day explaining how Jingle's photo is inside so I put them up on the 25th and looked and it was there. Same thread also told me that you can still get the photo until 1st of Jan.

Here is the link to the thread https://animalcrossingworld.com/gui...event-guide-what-to-do-gift-exchange-rewards/
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Here what to do. Time Travel back to Toy Day and complete Jingle's request (Crafting the Festive Wrapping Paper 3 times and deliver all the gifts to your villagers). Make sure you speak to Jingle so he gives you the Toy Day Stockings. Then you want to hang them up. Then save and quit the game. Time travel the next day, and then look into the stockings and then you'll find Jingle's Photo.