Join T.O.A.D.

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Disabled Account
Apr 22, 2011
Join my ACCF clan, called T.O.A.D. wich stands for Totally OMG Awesome Dudes. It's called T.O.A.D. for short, so you get a speciel uniform! It is a Toad hat from tom nook point system, (are item on ACCF) and a blue (boy) or pink (girl) Toad shirt that I made! It took like an hour to make and I did my best, I hope you like it (If you join).

Thats about all I have to say about it now, so, my fc is in my sig, tell me your fc if you wanna join, tell me if your a boy or a girl, and I will have a Toad hat and your gender Toad shirt ready for you! This is just any normal clan.....

BYZEZ! PLZ JOINZ! JOIN! we has cookies XD
Can i Join??? Can I???

Name : Lulu
Town : Hawaii
FC : 0776 - 7351 - 1639

im a girl.... :p thaaaaaankkkkssss xo
I'd love to join! Info in my siggie! I updated my sig so you can see my town and name.
lol guys, I don't think this is actually a thing anymore. It doesn't look like it got anywhere, either.
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