Super Sailor Senshi
This is going to be kind of short since I'm at work while posting this but I completed my joke book today! I'm two days late in doing so because I kept forgetting to stop by ClubLOL when I ran my daily errands. Luckily I remembered today and got it done. I have to say though, the last emote is just dumb. The Shrunk Funk Shuffle? When am I going to use that? :/ It's a bit cute when my character does the dance but I just don't know why they didn't give me another emotion. Would've been cool to have something like "Doki Doki". I dun know Along with that, I received Shrunk's "old uniform". It's that hideous yellow with red dots jacket. I ended up selling it because I knew I would never wear it, regardless if I could never get it again. The cafe uniform was better looking than that. Shrunk is just a humongous derp and I'm so glad I don't have to feed him anymore. It's like the pet I never wanted. Since that's out of the way, I can give more time to my encyclopedia completion and finally catch the stupid scorpion!