Joy-Con Drift Repair


Senior Member
Mar 9, 2013
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Chocolate Cake
For those who have sent their controllers for repair, how long did it take for you to get them back? I'm sending two out today, and have another two that are on hold until these come back.

Just an update. Took less than a week from requesting and sending, to fixing and receiving. Not too bad.
I don't understand why nintendo only puts a bandaid on the problem.

Fix it permanently!
I believe so! To my knowledge the sticks are made in the same way
My pair I’ve had since July 2017 have started drifting. Due to Covid-19 Nintendo’s free repair service is currently shut down. I’ll be sending them in once they open again. In the meantime I ended up buying a second pair as it doesn’t hurt to have an extra set as well as tie me over until I can get my old ones repaired.
I didn't even know they did free repair, I'm currently waiting on my 3rd pair of Joycons to arrive. At £79.99 each, I'd definitely rather send them off for a free repair!

That being said, I ordered my replacement controllers nearly 6 weeks ago now (the red pair from My Nintendo Store), and still haven't received them. I also emailed support asking if I could track them/when they might arrive - and have had 2 responses asking for more information from me, but still no update on when I should see them. Not heard back for nearly 3 weeks now. Seeeeriously worried - but with everything that's going on it's hard to chase them up!

When my joycons started drifting I did what this guy suggested doing! It worked really well and I don't have any more drift.

I'll give this a go!
Keep in mind that the free repairs for Joy-Con are only in certain regions. Afaik, only the US, Canada, and LatAm are doing free repairs at the moment. I don't believe Nintendo of Europe has started that yet. My right Joy-Con started drifting right before the COVID-19 closure so I'm gonna have to wait to get it repaired for now. TT v TT
I just tried the q-tip and rubbing alcohol trick on my two bum joycon sticks yesterday and it worked! Perfect control with both now!

And yes the stick on the switch, lite and pro controller are all the same, all suffer from the same issues and can all be fixed the same way.