Just a little warning.


Nov 14, 2016
User Title Color Change
Hey guys. So I have mentioned wanting to reset my town for lilies as my main flower a few times on here. After coming to terms with how badly I was annoyed by not having them available to me in store, and how badly I messed up my terraforming, I decided to reset my entire game.

Well. Somethings up. I have seen people say they got lilies as their native flower, so I believe them, but I have been resetting my game since 8am YESTERDAY, and I have gotten absolutely nothing but Mums, cosmos, and roses. That is it. I got windflowers ONCE, and that gave me hope, but I must have been hallucinating, because they haven't popped up again and neither have any of the other flowers. I had to have reset AT LEAST 65 times or more by now and that's no exaggeration.

Things I tried to "break the spell" so to speak:
  • going through with the tutorial and creating a new character so it makes a save file for me to delete, in hopes it would reset the cycle (x3)
  • Erasing all game data in switch settings
  • preventing archiving for new horizons
  • deleting and re-installing the game
  • Creating new user profiles and starting a new game using those
  • Wiping my switch

Absolutely nothing has worked and I have pretty much lost all hope. It's baffling to me. If someone can see something i'm missing here, please let me know because it looks like I will be settling for a flower I have zero interest in and be unable to have lilies unless I trade with people. Nintendo account to blame maybe? Idk. At this point I am just resetting for dom, who, I have not gotten even once, in fact, the same 4 uchi's and jocks keep repeating too.

TLDR- Before you wipe your entire town that has progress to get a specific flower or jock/uchi, please reconsider as this is another thing that seems to be locked individual game to game or system to system somehow and for some reason.
damn that sucks - sorry you haven’t had any luck getting the flower you want ;u;
I had to reset 3 hours to get my preferred uchi villager, it just takes forever for things like this :/
I have lilies as my native flower! (the ones that grow on the mountains, yes?) if you need, I'd be happy to bring you some seeds~
I'm not sure of the exact science of it, but your store will probably eventually stock lilies anyway. My store's basic three were roses, hyacinths, and windflowers, but once I traded with someone and planted a ton of tulips in my town, the Nooklings started to sell tulips a few days later.
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I can confirm I have a friend that have Lillies as the flower that grows in his town. Also, I can't confirm this, but I sold a tulip to nook's cranny and now they are selling tulips to me, idk if it's just a coincidence.
I'm not sure of the exact science of it, but your store will probably eventually stock lilies anyway. My store's basic three were roses, hyacinths, and windflowers, but once I traded with someone and planted a ton of tulips in my town, the Nooklings started to sell tulips a few days later.

People are limited to 4 in store flowers, at least so far or until they release an update with a bigger shop maybe.?. I have tried.. I traded with a member for lilies and planted a whole bunch, I even tried selling the flower, the plant, the seeds to the store in an attempt to get them to be for sale, and it never worked. Cosmos, hyacinths, tulips, windflowers in my old game.
I would have guessed that it is locked into your switch/nintendo account, but that seems too farfetched... people are going to want to reset sometimes to have a different experience, so it wouldn't make sense to lock certain things into the game
I have lilies as my native flower! (the ones that grow on the mountains, yes?) if you need, I'd be happy to bring you some seeds~

Thats so sweet of you and I really appreciate that! sounds like you lucked out. Sadly my issue is more that the store never sold them so they were never easily available to me to plant everywhere like crazy and at my own convenience haha.. My boyfriend is holding a few of my old lilies for me so when I finally pick a new town I can try to get those to spread.

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I would have guessed that it is locked into your switch/nintendo account, but that seems too farfetched... people are going to want to reset sometimes to have a different experience, so it wouldn't make sense to lock certain things into the game

I agree wholeheartedly and cannot understand why they would do this, and clearly I was in enough denial to make (probably way too many) attempts at this, but.. I'm thinking they thought it would make everyones islands that much more unique and promote trading if they limited people with certain things. It is a bit unfortunate.
Well! my offer still stands, even if you want 100 of each color. I'm not anyone who's out here to make a profit, so as long as you covered the cost of the seeds, that would be good enough for me! (or you could come to my town to buy as much as you'd like). If you end up needing to go this route, keep me in mind! My offer will always be there for you
For sure, thank you very much. On the bright side, there is a possibility that even if I can't get them as my native flower, this time around they could end up being one of my "in store 4".. :confused::blush:
People are limited to 4 in store flowers, at least so far or until they release an update with a bigger shop maybe.?. I have tried.. I traded with a member for lilies and planted a whole bunch, I even tried selling the flower, the plant, the seeds to the store in an attempt to get them to be for sale, and it never worked. Cosmos, hyacinths, tulips, windflowers in my old game.

Oh shoot, I thought it was three. Guess my fourth just took forever to show up. Hope you get a good solution for your flower problem :(
How does one mess up terraforming, when anything you do, can be undone?

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Things I tried to "break the spell" so to speak:
  • going through with the tutorial and creating a new character so it makes a save file for me to delete, in hopes it would reset the cycle (x3)
  • Erasing all game data in switch settings
  • preventing archiving for new horizons
  • deleting and re-installing the game
  • Creating new user profiles and starting a new game using those
  • Wiping my switch

Sorry. I don't feel any of that is worth it for native lilies. Have you tried Southern Hemisphere or vice-versa?
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I kinda agree with you here that the variations of airport color, flower, fruits etc are locked into your acc or switch. When the game first released, I knew I wanted a yellow airport with native peaches. I spent 30 hrs resetting (about 10 resets/hr) so basically 300 times. I only got yellow airport once but with oranges as the native fruit. I gave up and settled for a blue airport and apples. My most common was green airport and pears. It was really frustrating and I'm sure even more for you since you actually resetted your whole game file.
How does one mess up terraforming, when anything you do, can be undone?

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Sorry. I don't feel any of that is worth it for native lilies. Have you tried Southern Hemisphere or vice-versa?

Thats okay, to each their own. I don't like trading with people online as it makes my anxiety go sky high, and I like the ease of having the ability to buy my favorite flowers in store for simple access and quick town decoration purposes. I have indeed tried southern hemisphere, twice. Both fails.. I even tried changing my villagers birthday (crazy, right? im desperate haha)

In regards to how I f'd up, I placed all my shops and museum up on this big ol 2 decker cliff thing, bought 6 ramps and put those on there, and to destroy them, move the shops, and tear down the double decker cliff it would take FOREVER (and be super expensive). I also hate where my river exits were.. (both south)

It wasn't too much of a big deal for me to reset, as I gave my boyfriend my "most important" things to hold onto, and I hated a lot of the stuff I got stuck with anyway, but I just wanted to put it out there that anyone who is considering resetting for something silly like myself, but actually has stuff they like about their town, it is absolutely not worth it.
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for my town, my native flower was cosmos but the cliffs are where the lillies were hiding :)
?? Native flower is what blooms on your cliffs though? You had two native flowers? :eek:

yeah im pretty sure i had cosmos.. o.o i never planted any and theres so many in my town
but maybe im confused if theres only supposed to be one type of flower? :lemon: wouldnt be the first time