Just Digging

Bacon Boy

Zelda Informer Podcaster
Sep 9, 2008
Dusty Scroll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
With every breath,
I dig deeper into this hole
Though my mind says to stop digging
My body says otherwise

It loves the sensation
It loves the feel of the shovel
The feel of the dirt splashing my face
The feel of weariness

My heart is a caged canary
Forced to sit back
It no longer sings
While my body destroys me

It hasn't always been like this
I was once one of those
One of those that would help people
Trapped in their self-damning holes

But now,
I am in my own hole
Damning myself
With each further dig

My mind begins to reason with my heart
"Once more time"
"One more time"
"One more time"

My heart concedes
But knows that "one more time"
Will be more than one
More than two

Each time the shovel hits the dirt
It becomes easier to dig
Although I know that with each dig
It'll be harder to climb back out

There's the high after I shovel once
My body longs for that high once again
So I continue

Like a mole.
A filthy mole.
My purpose has become to dig.
I have lost sight of real goals.

I cannot concede.
My heart will break free
And so I will be

I hate poetry.

You hate just about everything as far as I have seen... just keep that to yourself and do not post about it :)

Anyway, Bacon Boy, your poem is good. It almost seems as if the person you are writing about needs to break a habit...and habits are hard to break.