Just walking on by


Ao of Sorami
May 7, 2013
Hello everyone my name is Ao. I hope to get to know all of you, especially for the release of New Leaf. Hmm... guess I should put things I like. I like anime, ramen, motorcycles, godzilla, art, writing, poetry, music, video games, nature, animals (* cough cough* foxes and turtles are my favorites), things that are old, things that are new, and always things that are blue. Well hope to see everyone around! Oh I also plan to write a blog of my daily adventures through New Leaf and maybe life!
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Welcome to the Bell Tree! Do you like borrowed things too?
OTL I feel bad for not commenting on your introduction thread when you did mine Dx
So hello and welcome fellow newbie! :'D

OTL I feel bad for not commenting on your introduction thread when you did mine Dx
So hello and welcome fellow newbie! :'D


Now we have had convos in 3 different threads, this is getting out of hand =P not that I mind
You can get to know me if you want, but keep in mind you'll also have to get to know my organs.

Weeeellllcccoommmeee to the forums, also.