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My mom always told me I was special.
That I had a special name.
White-haired; born in a cold spell.
When I asked Mama what that meant, she would just sit me on her lap and kiss me on the forehead, saying "Soon."
I was very little at that time, and the world was still a wonder for me. I had grown up with extravagant stories of fairies and princesses, as well as malevolent witches and goblins.
It was all just a story, Mama told me, after I was snuggled in bed. She would then kiss me on the forehead, look out the window, and say "Soon."
As the days went on, and the crisp leaves of autumn shriveled and gave way to sugar-coated snow, I began to feel different.
My feet and my hands were cold.
Mama would always make me wear socks and mittens, kissing me on the forehead, and whispering "Soon."
Until one day, Mama kissed me for the last time on the forehead, and whispered "Soon.", then went outside for her usual morning walk.
She didn't come back.
I was all alone, with only her words to comfort me.