Kaleb's drawings


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2008
So I'm gonna start posting some of my drawings I do just for fun.

The first one is of Katy Perry and incomplete one of Cameron Diaz.

The second one is a work in progress, 17 and a half hours into it.

They're big and one is sideways but w/e.

Update: I used the computer to enhance the picture to make it look more like the drawing, as the printer's scanner lightens it, thus loosing some color. I also fixed the tint a bit.

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And the incomplete one.

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@Tyler quit criticizing me for drawing "random pictures".
Wow, these are really good. The shading is good and accurate, and Tyler can shut it. What level of art class do you take? (Assuming you're in art)
Gnome said:
Wow, these are really good. The shading is good and accurate, and Tyler can shut it. What level of art class do you take? (Assuming you're in art)
None. I will next year though. I used tips and close examination of the picture, trying to use negative space and stuff. I'm trying to drift away from outlines, which give the drawing a fake look.
Kaleb said:
Cooper1901 said:
Very nice there. The hair does look really good actually. Top notch!
Thanks very much. I needed some words from people outside the family.
I know how that can be, praising you regardless, but trust me... these are great.
Lisamilitz said:
Kaleb said:
Lisamilitz said:
Woah, those are good! Mostly the hair:)
I got my tips from various sites. I started in late December.
Really? Starting from late December is pretty impressive.
That's what taking good tips and putting them to use does. Check out some pencil and color pencil artist's sites. It makes all the difference in materials and techniques.

Those were my third and forth portraits, not counting an early sketch.
Something is bugging me about the second one's face, maybe cheeks a bit chubby. However, the first one is incredible, really well done.
Marcus said:
Something is bugging me about the second one's face, maybe cheeks a bit chubby. However, the first one is incredible, really well done.
Yeah the second is distorted, I've realized. Bad thing is, once you're almost 18 hours into a drawing, it's hard to turn back. Gotta get it right from the sketch. It's also not complete, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Ricano said:
Wow, these are really good, Kaleb.
Thanks, I really appreciate the... feedback

I'm trying to get at least one or two done a month, providing that something else doesn't get in the way. Drawing is a lot of fun when you sit down and listen to music too, it helps you concentrate.

I think for the next one, if I'm going to scan it and post on here like the others, I'll post it in several different stages to show it "coming together".
My next one I'm gonna try to spend a lot of time on, and do it in graphite pencil. It's in gray scale so it should make the job easier. Paul McCartney and Billy Joel are the next ones, they're in the queue of things to draw.