Trading Kidd in boxes today :(

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Oct 16, 2013
100% (209) +
Yeah, tried to get Merengue to do the same but now my awesome goat decided to move for no reason :( (dont get too angry with me n.n) TRADING FOR THE DEERS IN MY SIG ONLY. aka. Diana, Fuchsia, Bruce, Beau and Fauna. ONLY accepting deers, otherwise I will just void him :( Gah really wanted to keep him. Oh well.

- DEER VILLAGER TRADE ONLY. I do not want bells, items or other villagers.
- Do not scam me or I will shut the game off and give you bad rating.
- I ask to pick up first.
- Must be able to trade today obviously, or TT to "today", whatever day yours is moving.
- I MIGHT consider other villagers I might like or bells but more or less ONLY want deers now since I wanna complete my deer town.

Keep it coming!
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I will give you 250 tbt bells is that a deal?

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Or a golden dresser
No. Stop spamming my threads when you have clearly not read the whole post.
Please don't spam my thread. I do not want an argument flame war and let other people who really wants him and can offer get him.
Kidd<3 ;_; is there any way youd give him away if no one offers any deers? I don't mean to spam and I hope someone does offer for your sake but this is for just in case
It's alright, it was meant to the person above you.

Probably not, then I'd rather take another villager or bells. Not in the mood to give him away since I really wanted to keep him n.n
no problems ^^

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Anyways gotta go watch telly and clean up so I will be afk for a while.
Soon back so keep offering.

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Back. I'll let it be for a few hours more then void him.
I just checked and I actually don't have that much D: so never mind I'm sorry
I hope he finds a home
Well I'd taken most stuff :p But well okies.

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Will leave this until after dinner then void unless someone answers.
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