Kitt is crafing Tiny Library! (Closed)


he/him ✨️ whimsical wizard
Jun 10, 2014
Silver Mailbox
Small Mailbox
100% (67) +
I don't think she'll be crafting for much longer, so I apologize in advance if this is short!

No entry fee required, but if you have some neat items I could catalogue while you talk to her I'd love that! Especially rattan and antique items, as well as naturey, magicy, sciencey items. Or NMT tips appreciated as well! ^^

Post your name and island name and I'll DM the dodo code
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@lapaa Hello, i'd love to come and get the recipe -- it's one i've been looking for. I have a few Rattan items you could catalog. My town is called Notch. :- )
I would love to come! I’m starlight from Milky Way! I have bamboo sphere, tulip surprise box, and ironwood cart diy if you want one?
I'd be interested in coming over <3

I have a rattan chair , cacao tree,retro stereo, floating/biotope planter, anthurium plant you could catalog if interested (Those are the most related to your request i think haha)

Paloma! from Roanette
Thanks for your patience, I'll get through as many people as I can until she stops crafting!
Zenni from Dokdo!
I’ll bring Rattan stuff I have in hand
I'm liking posts as I send DODO codes out! Almost caught up ^^
Sorry everyone she is done crafting now! :(