Kittens Flower Service


Dec 22, 2006
Now i need at least 5 people that has flowers ready and watering cans but so far i'll help i aslo do tree's!

Flowers,Normal tree's and we aslo throw in medicen

i need people with lots of fruit

Avalible times:Now! ummm maybe tomorrow unless my mum drags me somewhere then tomorrow at maybe 10:00 or 10:30 umm for each 5 flowers 200 bells for an hour 500 bells and we hand in free medican

Trees:Normal(1's that don't have fruit in)= free!
Pear:=10 bells
peach=50 bells
coconut=(by the sea)=70 bells (normal coconut)=50 bells
cherry and apple i don't have

all flowers are 20 bells

Money Tree (I DONT KNOW HOW LONG THEY TAKE TO GROW SO DON'T BE MAD IF THEY DON'T GROW Staight away ok? but money trees =1,000 bells cause they usally give me 30,000 bells on the tree

aslo if u need help in an event we help in fishing tourny's ok


Who's up for it and my dinner is soon so might not be now but i can stay up ti'll 9:30 pm ok? please be employes and please sign up to have garderning done! aslo money back Garente! sorry about spelling

I'm getting rady now And Maids/Garderners please take a job (We share tips lol we do seroiley and dress your best!)

Ps:please do it first one here who take's it (NOT JOB) will have everything for free (Even money trees)and when we sell medican i only have 1 so far ok

This is gonna be WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY FUN! :yes:

^_^ :rolleyes: :lol:


KittenAC1 said:
Forgot to add you aslo need to tell me your weather(Month) and character info
[/QUOTE]Forgot to add you aslo need to tell me your weather(Month) and character info
Edit: REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY srry for Triple posting but.........i can't work tomorrow gonna see a new arrival

Ok,thanks i'll PM you my info

Shadow(Me) (I live in larkrise u don't need to know mine but u need 2 know the custormers) my lack of spelling lol

Oh, i saw your weed picking service 15 REPLIES!!!!!! lol don't do another cos it's like spam ok, but thanks.

Srry i was mistaken i was about to type could you do an advertisement but i forgot to put it then i put don't do another one (As in don't do another advertisement for my Flower service cos i was gonna ask him to but i saw all the other advertisements and looked at the rulz and it said DON'T SPAM! so it turned out wrong sorry for the trouble

;) )

I just got mixed up and confused :wacko: :wacko:
