Giveaway Koopa's Krazy giveaway! Nmts, πŸ›¬ 🎟 igb,πŸ’° headgear, πŸ‘²πŸΎ, fossils, πŸ¦– and more for FREE! Temporarily closed

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  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. TBT Bells
  4. Other

King koopa

🎈 Balloons 🎈
Aug 16, 2020
Purple Balloon
Blue Balloon
Light Blue Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Purple Balloon
Andromeda Potion
Raven Wings Potion
Blue Rosewater Potion
Rosewater Potion
Purple Bat Potion
100% (14) +

Hello, and welcome to koopa's Krazy giveaway! (The k is not a typo I did that on purpose because I couldn't think of any k words lol)
So after thinking about it for a while, I've decided to create this giveaway! It's going to give away everything on my shop, plus other things! This giveaway will run in time slots, and will always be open 24/7 starting at 8pm est time. Time slots HAVE to take place at 8pm or after. I'm doing time slots because a lot of people may come to the giveaway and I can't have everyone come and once. If I'm not awake when you sign up, I will let you know when I'm available to have you come.
This shop has:
Nmts 🎟 ✈
Diys πŸ“ƒ
Fossils πŸ¦–
Headgear, clothes, and things of that sort,
And more! I will reveal the amounts of these at 8pm eastern time. Though because the giveaway is wip, the thread will be locked until that time. So if you would like to come, please pm me and I'll be sure to send you the dodo code once the time comes.

Please try not to run over my flowers! If it's on accident, I get it, but if you're doing it repeatedly on purpose I will remove you and not let you come again.
Only pick up things on the list of things I will post at 8pm. There will be other things for other people that aren't going to the giveaway, and I don't want them to get mad because someone stole their stuff.
Each time slot is 15 minutes apart from each other. Please leave once the 15 minute mark hits, because people will be coming in and out and it will cause trouble for people trying to join.
Please try to have good internet when you come. I understand if it's not something you can fix, but sometimes it ruins the experience for everyone else when someone with bad internet joins.
That's it
BONUS: You are welcome to leave tips of nmts, igb, tbt, and donate other items I don't have. There also will be a raffle for Gulliver/gullivaar every week, and the winner gets a Gulliver/gullivaar item! Anyone who comes will automatically be entered in the raffle, PLUS if you win, you can choose between additional free igb, or a or a drawing of your ac rep! (Feel free to pm me about the art if you don't feel like saying it publicly)
Thanks for reading and I will see you guys at 8pm!
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Ok, it is a bit past 8, and as promised, the giveaway will start!
There is:
2 million bells waiting to be grabbed and spent
30 something Nook Miles tickets waiting to be used to find a villager
Lots of Fossils waiting to be found and sold
Seasonal items waiting to be used
Lots of clothes
And more!
The first time slot is for right now! The dodo code will appear in a second so those who want to come can! However anyone after the 7th person will have to wait 15 minutes.
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πŸ’«Here's a quick update on the giveawayπŸ’«
Everything has been restocked! There is now more in game bells, (igb) and seasonal items! In addition to that, I have added some villager posters and mom items! That being said, there may not be enough for everyone. So in order to promise more for everyone else, I ask that you only come once and leave when your pockets are full. This is because I want other people to be able to join without people coming back. However, you may come back the next day. Also PLEASE don't learn any recipes until you come back to your island. Some of these recipes were really hard to get and it wouldn't be fair if someone just went through learning all of the recipes. Also the Gulliver/gullivaar raffle item of the week is:
The statue of liberty! People who come are automatically entered in, and whoever wins earns the item, AND can either get an additional 1 million bells, OR a drawing of their animal crossing oc by me!
The code will be on the top in a moment and the newest time slot is for right now!
πŸ’«another small updateπŸ’«
Now you can reserve anything from the giveaway! Here's how that would work:
If I'm offline, you can reserve something in the giveaway, so that if other people come, they won't be able to take the item until you arrive to take it. This way you can be sure to get what you want for the giveaway! Also I'm going to add free crafting for any of the diys there, in case you can't craft said item. All of the diys I already learned, so no need to worry about that!
πŸ’«just another quick updateπŸ’«
The pirate barrel has been added do the raffle pool, and will be available thursday next week! On that same day, the winner of the statue of liberty will be announced!
Coming soon: More igb, nook miles tickets materials, and lilies of the valley for the giveaway! Along with seasonal item diys, seasonal items in general, and more villager posters!
Don't forget that you can always donate to the giveaway as well!
Thanks for reading and I hope you stop by soon!
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