Krazy Karl's Town!

Krazy Karl

Senior Member
Dec 25, 2008
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Pear (Fruit)
OK first of all, my town, like many other towns, have rules. My rules, however, are more simple, but mean a lot more too me, failure to keep to these rules and I will end the party instantly, and then remove the rule-breaker from my friend code list. This person will then be noted down to make sure I wont add he/she again. If the list is full, the next person on the list will be added in place of the rule-breaker, and so on and so forth but you get the rest and I wont keep you here untill next week!

1) Do NOT chop down any of my trees EVER!
2) Ask me before you collect fruit from my tree's, if the fruit is on the floor without you skaking the tree then fine take it if you must.
3) Be polite to everyone in my town and show respect, everyone deserves respect and deserves to be treated like a human being.
4) If you see any flowers, it is not cool to take them or trample them!
5) If you see a weed that is not a clover, feel free to pick it up, if you see a clover, tell me where you are and I will go sort it.

Infomation about my town:
My town is the same size as any other town, but the contence are different!
I dont have any rewards in my town so far for donating money, but I am working on some.
My Tom Nooks shop is currently at status: Nookingtons
Weeds: There are a load of weeds in my village as my brother thought it would be funny to time travle... >.<
Grass: The grass is certianly going and there are a phew bare patches :(
Apples (Native Fruit)
Coconuts I think are growing, if not then please wait.
(Donations would be greatly accepted!)

Thats about all, look at my signature for FC and all that mumbo-jumbo, post on here to make a donation, either if it's bells or fruit, they well be accepted greatfully, and post your FC and mumbo-jumbo here if you want too add me.

Other facts:
Wii Speak: No
Keyboard: Yes when no one is using the computer.
Gates currently: Closed
i have to say that your rules are a bit strict even though it is your town
i have always found that letting them do watever they want is best for friendship on AC

so watever it is your town your rules

oh and i have coconuts (blossoming) and peachs
I only have rules to keep order and stop cyber bullying and all of that, also I spent most of my time making thoes trees so it's understandable correct? Could you help me grow some coconuts and peaches some time please? It will be greatfuly apreciated.
Can I come by, I have coconuts to share and I need anything other than pears and apples.
I also will have those on me, just in case you need some.
I don't have wiispeak yet but I do have a keyboard.
Oh, and I don't mind the rules! :)
Kat, i have cherries, but im have 1 pear tree, and i think either 1 peach tree or 2 peach trees
I have added everyone that has posted and my town gates are now.... OPEN! If anyone wants to come over or wants to invite me round then post please... I'm real bord

Well they aren't open yet as I have just gone over someone's home to say hi but I will let you know when they are.