LABO - I'm not the only one playing with cardboard right? Right?!


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2014
Fossil Easter Egg
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Kirby Easter Egg
Sakura Easter Egg
Pikachu Easter Egg
Easter Egg
Awwwe, I just noticed the RC car is currently in the banner. Though, why is it called a car? I was debating on painting it to look like a lady bug, but I'm not very artistic so it would probably look better as plain cardboard. We've done the car and motorbike. Anyone else?
I am 100% happy with it thus far. The directions are very, very well done. I am super impressed with the capabilities of the joy cons after making the first two projects. I've mostly ignored them since I prefer the comfort of the pro-controllers. I guess they have a purpose after all!
My 8 year old had commented that she wants to be an inventor so I got it with the excuse that she'd get a kick out of it. She could probably do it all herself, if I'd let her. ;) I have no idea how well it'll hold up but I can already tell it'll take a good amount of time to just complete the projects. I hope they come out with more variety packs. I'm not sure I'll cave for the robot when it's just one project. We'll see. =)