• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Eligible [ laced with love, ] šŸŽ§ā˜ļø

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Island/Town Name


ļ½”* . āœ­ * .
Apr 6, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Night Sky Scenery
Cool Balloon
Rainbow Birthday Bouquet
Cool Balloon
Shooting Star
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Rainbow Moon Jellyfish
Rainbow Star Fragment
Aurora Sky
lace logs - 1/15


Welcome to my mini journal for my island, Lace! I am horrible at playing this game, genuinely have not talked to a single villager or done any event in about a year, but something about ACNH I have always enjoyed is the decorating. This journal will include my moments on this island as ā€œBob the Builderā€, where I spend my days literally just building. I will also be sharing little sketches of my villagers but reimagined as people (my art is kinda scuffed, please bear with me). Shoutout to @Cheremtasy for inspiring me to personify my villager homies (her island lore slaps so hard, I can confirm). I hope I can stick out the ten days for this TBT event with classes starting soon, and I hope you enjoy the silly little pictures I will be posting in here!

For my first build (attached above), I opted to outfit my entrance with some train tracks so I would have an excuse to build a train station later. I miss the one we had in NL so I wanted to recreate that vibe in NH. It is nothing fancy, but I think it's an ok buffer for my areas, and it's also great for trading as there is a lot of empty space to drop items.

The first villager sketch I have is Colton, who is my current favorite! I have had his design as a WIP for a while but here is a small sketch of him as a human. My art skills are not the best, but I tried my best to do my horse homie justice.

I envision him as an aristocrat on an island getaway, woefully unprepared to live the deserted island life. He appears cold but is actually a total sweetheart, as well as a rather eager learner, spending most of his time fishing outdoors
especially in spots I am actively trying to build in. While he can be ignorant at times (he was quite confused when told to do his own laundry), he is an overall sincere dude and a delight to have on the island.

That is all for my first entry! I will be locking this thread but feel free to leave comments/suggestions on my profile page. This is my first time doing something like this so I am open to guidance. Can't wait to see you guys in the next post!

laced with love,
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lace logs - 1/16


Turns out erecting buildings with your own bare hands does not pay well. Or does not pay at all really. I failed to give the required bells to Tom Nook for my house, resulting in him instantly kicking me out and taking my home (along with all my shampoo). With next to nothing to my name, I set out to find a new place to live. I wasn't picky, just needed somewhere to crash after my grueling days of paving streets. Luckily, there's this old man across the way who rents out his rooms for super cheap. As long as you look past the cockroaches and lack of heating, this place is great! Rent is no longer an issue, and Dobie, the owner of the building, is an easygoing dude. Huge upgrade from that Nook dude, who low-key looked like a raccoon. I think I am going to enjoy my time here!


Attached here is a picture of the lovely man who saved me from sleeping on the benches of a train station. The guy loves his frozen treats, so I try to grab him some whenever I run down to the market. Speaking of the market, I have finally finished all of my furniture shopping for my little room! I finally can get back to my outdoor build projects, there is honestly way too much to do. My butt is starting to hurt from sitting on this pillow, so I think I will pass out for today. Here is to more hard labor tomorrow!

This concludes my second entry! I played around a little more with this one, really tried to envision my life if I were on Lace. I also tried out the sky edit thing I've always wanted to do for pictures. It's not the best, but for my first try I think it looks passable! My next entry will probably be about that train station that I am finally (FINALLY) finishing. See you guys next time ā™”

laced with love,
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lace logs - 1/18


When I said rough villager sketches, I really meant rough villager sketches. Anyways, I finished up my train station (although it looks like more of a stop than a station sadly). I kind of hate how boring it is so I will go back and fix it when I have more time, but here is I guess the prototype?

Included with this unfinished train station is an equally unfinished sketch of my girl Lolly! I associate her with the train station (especially its coffee place) because I always catch her alone in this general area at the early morning hours. She is a normal villager, so of course I see her as an early riser, but not by choice. My girl has a chronic insomnia issue, choosing to pass the nights baking instead of sleeping. As a result, Lolly constantly smells like vanilla and sugar. She's also been my homie since NL, so of course I am thrilled to kidnap her once again to my lovely deserted island!


Here are some more shots of the station! Once again, not in love with how it turned out, but with classes starting I unfortunately did not have the time I would have liked to have in order to work on this build. It just looks more barren than I would prefer, and it's overall really flat because I did not wish to obstruct resident services. I also despise these fences for being bright blue, I pray every day that we will one day get fence color variants. Hopefully I will update this train stop/station in the future but for now it is what it is!

Third entry complete! Had to rush this one a little, so apologies if it looks a little sloppy. This entry was focused more on building process than slice of life since this build make me want to stop living!! I really will fix it one day, but that is all for now. Catch you next time ā™”

laced with love,
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lace logs - 1/20


After my train station debacle, I was drained and needed a break. There was only one thing to do in a situation like this. I took the weekend off and then proceeded to drag Lolly around to various places in order to alleviate the back pain I had from carrying this entire island. She didn't mind though, love her for that. We hit up only like three spots before I decided my feet hurt and I wanted to go home, but it was a pretty nice time (minus me spending my life savings on milk tea, these are some California prices man). I really enjoyed my time and I hope I can grab Lolly again for another girl's day soon.


We started the day at this bath house that Lolly had vouchers for. I almost passed out from the steam and my phone was dropped into water at least three times, but the overall experience was exactly what I needed. I've never felt so relaxed, this honestly might be my new go to spot to rest my muscles after all my building shenanigans. After the bath house, we hit up this new shop that Vivian recommended to me. I insisted I would pay for our food, much to Lolly's dismay. However, regret soon came when I looked at the prices, because of course Vivian would send me to the most expensive milk tea place I'd been to in my life. I still paid for us both of course. Lolly deserves the world, even if the world is overpriced boba!! With food in hand, we spent hours enjoying the ambience and chatting about mundane life (apparently Colton is starting a petition for a fish bait and tackle store). When the sun finally started to set, we left the store in search of a nice view to watch the moon rise.

It was beautiful. The skies were vibrant and the view from our spot was perfect. We were both silent and unnmoving, taking time to just watch the sky. The breeze was kind tonight, so the two of us walked home afterwards instead of taking the crowded train. I also ended up taking a lot of pictures today that I'll send over to Lolly later, but I'm afraid my photo taking skills are not the best. I am now safely tucked into bed and dreading the next construction project, but it'll be worth it if I could have another day like this one.



Oh man this one was quite long. I was tired of decorating outside due to having to manually place and terraform everything, so I took a break for this entry. I set myself a limit of 45 minutes per room build in order to stop obsessing over every detail, and I ended up having a lot of fun! The builds are not as good as I would have liked, but this was a huge time saver for me, as well as way less stressful. I also learned that I default to the color brown. Like a lot. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this more slice of life post; I'll see you guys soon ā™”

laced with love,
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lace logs - 1/21



So, I caved and built Colton his fish shack thing!! Poor dude really was about to start a petition for one. I guess he was tired of attempting to fish in ponds smaller than my salary. Not to mention I myself was growing weary of him always running up to me and trying to fish where I was decorating. Hence, the fish shack was born.

I basically built him his own place so he could do his thing without causing a public disturbance. It's got space to store his caught fish, fishing rods, fish bait, and whatever other fish things he could be into. It is quite far away from his apartment, but I am sure he won't mind! He took part in the choosing of the location anyway. I am sure he is thrilled I dragged him out of bed for this one.



I started my journey of fulfilling Colton's dreams by doing the extremely sane thing of breaking into his apartment before the sun rose in order to drag him along on this journey. If I had to suffer being awake to build this shack, he would have to suffer too. That is what friendship is!! The dude seemed a little surprised to see me, but I did not pay him any mind. I was a woman on a mission.

After assuring him that I was not a robber and that I wanted nothing to do with his collection of pearl encrusted combs, I told Colton to get dressed and meet me outside in 10. The sun was still not up at that point but there was no time to lose. We had some location scouting to do.


After much deliberation and debate, we both settled upon the shoreline for the location of this new fish shack. As Colton went back to his apartment to haul all his gear down, I began my work. Plank by plank I placed until my arms were sore and my legs almost gave out. And it kept going like that until the next day.

By the time the sun rose the next morning, I had completed a shack worthy of the shack title. It was sure not going to win any decorating contests, but it will serve its purpose. The building was compact, yet open. Rustic, but not decrepit. Colton was a little confused at this impromptu adventure, but he was still grateful, nonetheless. At last, he had a space all his own. He deserves it too honestly, what a swell dude. I wish him luck in all his future fishing endeavors and whatever else people would use a fish shack for. I swear though if I catch him standing and fishing in an area I am trying to decorate after all of this...

We are halfway there! I am shocked I made it this far honestly. For this entry, I expanded on a joke my friend and I had about Colton. Every single time I tried building outside, Colton would somehow be there, fishing in the tiniest body of water and blocking my path. I joked that he was a fishing fanatic and it just kind of stuck. It felt nice to build him a little area attached to his character, especially since he is my favorite villager. In the future I want to try doing this kind of thing for more of my villagers, but for now, this is where I'll sign off! As always, see you next post ā™”

laced with love,
lace logs - 1/23


There's this record shop near my place. It's tucked into a cluttered street and is a popular hangout spot for the youth of the island. An old shop, run by a longtime resident of the island. It's a little old, but that's part of the charm I suppose. It is also where I work part time when I need bells. I usually take a break from building every once and a while to pop in, but these days I have been popping in a little too often. It's honestly a hindrance to island development to have me constantly working at a record shop. And it's all thanks to a particular fitness buff.


Genji is a good friend of mine. And that is the only reason I am off on another journey to cover his shift. I give him a hard time for it, but I honestly don't mind. It's nice to get shelter from the elements, plus the shop is cozy and full of albums and CDs to peruse through. Maybe I should tell him it's fine to ask me for help, but it's just too funny seeing him get all worried. Sorry Genji!




Finally got around to another villager sketch! This is Genji, an og villager of mine. He has been here since my plane touched down for the first time on Lace. I imagine his grandparents actually live on the island, and he's crashing with them because he took a gap year.

Genji is an active dude, being a sporty villager and all, but instead of lifting weights, he dances. He's in love with music, hence why he works part time at a record shop, and also why he could not keep pursuing a business degree. This dude often skips his shifts in order to hit up the dance studio, but never gets fired since his grandparents own the shop. I never mind covering for him though. He's my homie. Plus, he always pays in milk tea.

This entry felt longer than my lifespan, but I'm really happy with how it turned out! I had a lot more time to do this one, so I think everything is a little more well executed. Anyways, not much to say this time, so I'll see you next time ā™”

laced with love,

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lace logs - 1/30

I have an aversion to post offices. That sounded kind of dramatic, let me explain. The phone I was given is only capable of messaging people on this island. I have not talked to anyone outside of Lace for a while now because I had stored my personal non island phone away. It was like the outside world didn't really exist to me anymore. I avoid the post office because I didn't want a reminder of what was outside my bubble. However, everyone has to snap back to reality one day. My point is, today is the day that I am going to inform my loved ones that I am in fact not dead!


Having never really sent a letter before, I asked Genji Lolly for help. She was super patient with my extremely dumb ass, even giving me some stamps from her personal collection as I did not own a single stamp. Armed with a cardboard envelope and a letter that was barely able to be read, I journeyed to the little boxes Lolly had told me you could put letters into. I woke up extremely early for this, excitedly jogging there to send my very first letter off the island. My excitement was short lived. I got there just to find that the area was under construction. Because of me. I was literally supposed to remodel that area. Almost cried real tears right then and there, but then I got over it and made my way to the actual post office. The girl working there somehow got me to pay extra for their exclusive tracked and delivered with love shipping (???). Said something about flying out with it personally. I don't know what fever dream that was, but my letter is off! I really hope it reaches its destination safely, and I am so sorry for ghosting my loved ones!!


In all seriousness, ACNH really has been a getaway for me. It was a virtual world where I quite literally controlled everything. And that felt nice. Having compete control, not ever having to worry about unexpected changes or happenings.

My mother had moved out of state a few weeks back. It was a huge change, no longer being able to just call her up for dinner, or just being able to see her in person. I crawled back into my animal crossing shell a little bit after that. It helped take my mind off of things; it was my form of escapism after all. However, I neglect a lot every time I get into an AC binge, including my assignments and especially my relationships. My little world of silly animal villagers is a fun escape, but I have to come back to reality at some point. Cheers to me for facing the real world again!! I have so many people to text back.

Wow, I have been going through it! I took a week off to break my hyper fixation on AC and to catch up on some assignments, but I am now back with my seventh entry. This one was inspired by me getting an, "I miss you" text from my mom and then me immediately crying afterwards! Life is so wild sometimes. I am in college and still missing my mother, like man this is rough. Anyways, thank you for reading this slightly more depressing entry!! I'll see you in my next (hopefully) more lighthearted post ā™”

laced with love,
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lace logs - 2/2


I am back in my Bob the Builder era!! I awoke today with the sudden urge to move Vivian and Lolly's houses together into a nice little residential area. And by sudden urge I mean Vivian blew up my phone.

See, she has a little bit of a crush on our sweetheart baker, but she will actually murder me if she found out I said that. I don't know why though, it's not like she is exactly subtle with it. I am pretty sure everyone except Lolly knows about Viv's hopeless crush. And I mean literally everyone. My old man landlord pulled me aside just this morning and asked me when the wedding was. The wedding.

No matter! Today I put on my hardhat AND some cute little angel wings. Cupid has arrived!! Sans bow though, I gotta keep my shovel strapped to me at all times.

P.S. if Viv kills me, tell Colton he was always my favorite!!


The actual building was not the hard part of today. Paving streets with my bare hands is child's play. No, the real struggle would come at night, during a sleepover of all things. Lolly and I usually have weekly sleepovers at her place, where we test out weird food combos and she stays up to bake a cake or something while I pass out on her huge (and wildly comfy) bed. However, this week we have a guest. Viv literally begged asked in a very dignified manner if she could join in tonight, for she wanted to get closer to Lolly. As a hopeless romantic, I could not turn down a woman in love, and I agreed to let her crash with Lolly and me.

When it was time to head over to Lolly's place, I arrived on the dot as always, with my pajamas on and my stomach nearly empty. I should have known tonight would be a ride when both Viv and Lolly were about 15 minutes late, leaving me to freeze alone in the rainy and foggy weather. Once we all finally got inside, everything started off normal. We watched the fireworks, tried putting milk in our ramen (I am literally lactose intolerant), and tried out some new recipes Lolly had been testing. Being the
tired person great wingman I was, I turned in early to give the two some alone time. However, as I attempted to crawl into Lolly's abnormally large bed, Vivian shot me a glare that could kill baby kittens. She then pointed to a towel and pillow laid out on the floor, urging me to retire there for the night. I was appalled. My one chance this week to ease my back pain and I had to basically sleep on the floor. I begrudgingly laid down, willing myself to sleep while those two chattered on. If they don't get together after all of my sacrifices, on my mother I will be suing!!



So, they did not end up confessing their undying love to each other. I awoke to Lolly passed out at the table and Viv attempting to make us breakfast. Which means I could have slept comfortably on the bed instead of making out with the floor but it's fine, I'm not angry!! I quickly bid both of them goodbye and sent Lolly a prayer because good lord Viv is good at a lot of things, but cooking is not one of them. Anyways, it just seems like Lolly cannot get the hint. Hopefully Vivian has better luck next time! Me though, I am retiring my angel wings and scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor.


I am so sorry for how long this one is! I feel like I rambled a lot, but it was to get the text to line up better with the pictures on PC. It may hurt to read, but at least it looks mildly pretty!! Although I am also not thrilled with how the sketch edits look in this one, but that's neither here nor there. Anyways, that's about all I wanted to say about this entry, see you guys in the next one (we're already up to nine that's so crazy to me OTL) ā™”

laced with love,
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interlude - 2/5


My first interlude!! I wanted to post this update, but I had already posted this area (and I was too busy to do my usual full journal post), so here is an interlude to show the small update on the train stop/station. A kind soul reached out to my way back when I posted my initial station post and informed me that I could actually change the fence color! I was elated, goodbye neon blue honestly. It took me a while, but I finally got around to changing the color to black and it just looks cleaner to me. There are so many things I don't know about the huge update because why did I only learn this now!!

Anyway, I also have my fourth villager sketch, which is the lovesick girl herself, Vivian. Since I have been mentioning her a lot, I thought it was about time to give her a little sketch.

I am so glad I tried again with drawing women since after Lolly I was honestly scarred (what was that sketch). Crisis averted though; I can draw women again (sort of)!!

Vivian is a snooty type villager, but I always catch her running and stretching on the beach, so instead of making her someone prim and proper, I see her as a surfer. She doesn't mind getting sweaty, and she feels the best when she's active. However, despite this, Vivian has never been seen looking like washed-up seaweed, as she also cares a great deal about her looks. She believes you could be drowning and that still would not be a good excuse to look anything less than perfect. Viv comes off as cold, and honestly, she kind of is cold, but she means well, always offering advice to anyone who needs it. Gotta love our resident it girl!!

That's all for my first interlude! See you next time ā™”

laced with love,
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lace logs - 2/9


I think I am in love with laundromats. There is something incredibly comforting about a near-silent room, the only sounds being the soft whirring of machines and the occasional scuffle of shoes on linoleum. Nearly everyone on the island stops by this one particular place. It's small and quite tucked away, but unless you're a fan of hand washing your clothes, it's the only place with reliable washing machines.

For the price of a few quarters, I can sit in silence while the thought of the outside world floats away. Or that's how it used to be anyway. It was on the fourth visit to that laundromat that I met quite a strange character.


I met Merry in the early morning of a Thursday. She was draped over the receptionist's desk, scrolling through her phone with extreme boredom. We instantly locked eyes and I knew that this basket case was going to be in my life for a while.

Merry is an interesting character. Life of the party, always the most energetic in a crowded room, she was that kind of person. However, if you catch her alone, you'd almost miss her completely. That's how she always was at the laundromat. Quietly staring into the distance, her fair appearance easily blended in with her white surroundings. It took running into her at a K.K. concert to befriend her, and good lord the difference was insane. If she thinks she's alone, she's as good as a ghost. With others, she's the person who will always shine the most, unable to keep still or quiet for too long.

I wonder why that is.

Putting aside her personality gap, there is something else to note about Merry. Often when we hang out, I stare a little too much at her face and she looks oddly familiar. The other day, it finally hit me. She looks almost identical to an idol I used to follow.

Said idol took a hiatus from her group because of a bad leg injury, and it had been around four years since anyone had heard from her. There was no way that a whole idol would be on this tiny island working at an even tinier laundromat, but the similarities were too insane to ignore.

One day, I sucked it up and asked Merry point blank if she used to be an idol. She had looked at me like I deserved to be put in a straight jacket, and she wheezed. "I goddamn wish," she had told me. I laughed it off with her, because why would anyone give up fame and money to do nothing on a remote island?

But still, I could not get the thought out of my mind. They really do look and sound extremely alike...


Nowadays, Merry and I are good friends. She took to the friend group like she'd been here since the start, and my laundromat trips started becoming mini hangouts rather than some relaxation time. She was always fun to be around. Once you got her talking, she could hold any kind of conversation for what felt like forever. The only thing is, she seems to be growing distant lately. I saw her less and less at the laundromat, and she would take hours to respond to texts. It was worrying.

Turns out she'd been sneaking off the locked and abandoned playground a little ways away from her job. Swiped the key off of the groundskeeper no doubt. No one knows what she does there, but she will often disappear for long periods of time, leaving the place littered with empty glass bottles and cigarette butts when she came back.

I never want to pry, but this girl has most of the island worried sick about her. Our resident ray of sunshine seems to be going through some things.


This song is so obscure it's not even on Spotify, I have literally been scammed!! Had to edit a whole-ass preview for this, I am so sad. I'll drop a YouTube link here anyway, it really is such a dreamy song OTL

My retired idol who is lowkey depressed dream is real!! I don't know why I made Merry the most tragic villager on this island I am so sorry. Anyways, my writing is a little lackluster but I hoped you enjoyed this second-to-last entry! This one took me way too long to edit, I'm really starting to feel the burnout now!! I will see you guys on (hopefully) the eleventh, for my tenth post ā™”

laced with love,
lace logs - 2/12


The very last villager rounding out my permanent islander list is Raymond (or "Ray", as I like to call him). Another smug villager, but honestly he does not act like it. Aside from the occasional comment about his "great hair," Ray is very reserved and quiet. And when he does speak, it's about things I think I may be too stupid to understand (like when he would mail me random wallpaper with a letter on how "origin will always betray finality," whatever that means). However, I enjoy our talks nonetheless.

Anyways, he owns and runs the only hair salon on this island, having moved to Lace in order to live a life by his own schedule. And that he does.

His place is also my go-to when I need my hair done for the photos I take. The design contest grind never stops!!

Sometimes I swear this dude is not one hundred percent here. Physically, he is on this island and in the same room, but mentally he is on Mars. Saying Ray has his head in the clouds would be an understatement, I genuinely think he leaves his head at home when he goes out. It's a mystery how he manages to own and run a salon when he can barely remember to put on matching shoes.

Ray is a bit of a hassle to have as a friend. He always runs late, tends to forget plans altogether, and is overall quite ditzy. However, he is also somehow the greatest listener. When no one else remembers what specific shade of blue you liked, there will be Ray, who probably memorized the hex code for it as well. At the end of the day, his thoughtful moments outweighed his aversion to appointments, so homies we became. His mellow nature is also extremely relaxing to be around, I could sit in silence with this dude for hours. And of course conversation with him is never boring, because although he speaks very little, when he does open his mouth you cannot help but want to listen.

Not much is known about his life prior to moving to Lace, all I've gathered is that he used to be a regular office worker who just could not stand the 9-5 anymore. After moving to the island, he opened his own business in order to have his own schedule.

Ray seems to handle it all relatively well, and aside from some forgotten appointments, he is a very talented hairstylist who loves what he does.


This photo up above actually took eight years off of my lifespan!! To start, Ray had completely forgotten about our appointment, so I ended up missing taking this photo while it was somewhat warm. And then I almost broke my camera gear slipping on ice that had appeared overnight. I was ready to end it all, but I finally got the pictures. Froze my ass off in the end, but at least my hair looked cute.

I vastly prefer indoor shoots (shown below). Ray would have room to work on set, so he couldn't accidentally forget to open his salon, and I would not be stuck rescheduling. There was no waiting for the perfect time of day either, as we were indoors. Not to mention that the inside was always warmer in the winter and had aircon for the summers. And the actual building of the designed sets is way easier when the space is smaller and there is no possibility of having to raise mountains or carve rivers.

My schedule has been thrown out of whack!! This section on Ray was supposed to be an interlude posted on the tenth, with a tenth full post following on the eleventh, but I got drowned in work. I ended up quickly turning the would-be interlude into a full post so I have ten done for the event, saving the actual tenth post I had planned for after the twelfth. I am kinda bummed I didn't follow through with my plans, but that's life, isn't it? Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed my last event post! Thought it would be fun to include some past designs Iā€™ve done for contests! I'll try to find the time and energy to finish the actual tenth post I had, and I'll see you whenever that's done ā™”

laced with love,
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lace logs - 2/26

I'm not great at dramatic final posts, so while this will be my last log for a while, it will still be wildly mundane!! On today's agenda is me going solo to tour the copious food-related things I have built (literally there are only two), along with some other food-related endeavors.

It is a very hard job going around and consuming good food, but someone's gotta do it. And who would be better than me, someone who is really bad at reviews and will only be eating for a good time. Anyways, I really should get off of this hard roof and into the warm embrace of a nice bowl of noodles!! I can't wait to disappoint my doctor.

I woke up early today in order to get a short bike ride in before I stuff my body full of sodium. My metabolism is truly not what it used to be. Anyways, on my way to the first location, I could see the sun peeking through the horizon, blessing this lovely Sunday with clear skies. No, I did not have to skip four days to get these photos because it kept raining, what a strange thing to ask!

I was the first to arrive at the quaint little noodle shop, cobbled together by my own hands. It looks a little funky, with the ends poking out and not lining up, but I think that adds character. My bowl of warm soup came out soon after I had placed my order, and I sat outside in the not rainy weather and ate my food in bliss. It was a 10/10 bowl, but my words don't mean much because I think I could eat anything and be satisfied. After taking some photos to taunt Genji with, I paid for my food, grabbed some water from the vending machine, and biked my way to the next place. Which may or may not also be another noodle stand, leave me alone I really like noodles!!


On the way to the second (and last) stop of my short food tour, I got distracted by this restaurant tucked away in between an old shoe shop and a dying Gamestop. Of course, I had to park my bike and check it out. Today was all about me eating until I could no longer think about food without wanting to puke!!

The interior was old and worn, but that was nothing new to me as almost everything on this island was old and worn. However, I still made a mental note to ask if the owner wanted me to come in with my trusted shovel for a remodel. You can take the builder out of the build, but you can never take the build out of the builder, or however that goes. Turning my attention to their menu, I ordered whatever I was craving at the time. Which happened to be three big bowls of curry, a bag of chips, even more noodles, and an unlimited drink supply. Needless to say, I sort of passed out at my table. Great place though, no one judged me for taking a midday nap!

Back to our regularly scheduled program, by the time I pulled myself out of my food coma, the sun was already setting. Good thing I only had one stop left of this tour! Anyways, a short bike ride later and I was at this stall located right behind resident services. I think Isabelle swears by the food here, but I was not impressed. The food itself was perfectly fine, I got myself another 10/10 bowl of ramen, but my issue here is the vending machines. I was just looking for some pop to wash down my dinner, but the damn thing ate my dollar. It actually ate five of my dollars because I kept stubbornly trying in case somehow the outcome would be different. Lesson learned, don't ever listen to Isabelle. With my stomach full and my hands empty of a nice can of anything, I left my bike near resident services and took a walk to clear my head.


I found a nice spot to watch the stars, and yeah it was right outside someone's house but I was not passing up that view. The weather was chilly, but with the snow finally gone, it was comfortable. I thought about a lot of things under that sky.

Influenced by my satiated appetite, I fired off one final text before gathering my belongings and meandering back to my waiting bike.

I would call today a success. My stomach is full, my heart is full, and I can't wait to see what shenanigans await me in the future, on or off this island.

I've done it!! This took so long because booo college, but I am so glad to have finished my journal journey. This whole thing took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but in the end, I did finish! I had a lot of fun experimenting with different art styles, editing styles, etc. and while I am not wholly happy with the entirety of my posts here, I feel like I have learned a lot. As for the direction of my journal and island now that this event is truly over, I really don't know TT I could tear my whole island down and start over, or I could never touch the game again, who knows? It may be a while before I post again (again, booo college), but I do feel confident I will revisit this journal, as it is something I do find fun. I hope to see my island finished one day and I would love to document the process when I have more time. After all, I am Thursday's child and man do I have far to go. But for now, I am a girl who is behind on several papers, so for the last time in a while-

laced with love,
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