Buying Ladybug, Paradise Planning Easter Eggs

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Hey, I can buy one of the two for you once the bonus eggs have been sent out for 700! lmk which one you want and if you want any message on it!
Hey, I can buy one of the two for you once the bonus eggs have been sent out for 700! lmk which one you want and if you want any message on it!
I'll take the Ladybug one, thank you! For the message, maybe "I hope this egg's appearance doesn't...bug you. 🐞" But without the quotes, please c:
I would like to buy these two eggs to finish my collection. Offering 650-700 TBT each. Let me know if you're selling!
Hi! Got my Junimo egg and still have have enough to buy the Paradise Planning egg for 700 tbt if you are still looking. Lmk if you want me to buy it and if you’d like a message.
Edited: Nvm saw you just purchased one. 😅
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