Lame and Fortune


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
Let's talk fortune cookies.

Have you ever had a cookie that actually came true? I never have, but I hope I get one that does someday.
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After I got home from boot camp, I went to a Chinese place with my family and I got a cookie that says "You will step on the soil of many countries." I carry it with me in my wallet. I am currently in Japan now and will probably be going to Korea as well. I've also been to Mexico and the Cayman Islands, but that was prior to the cookie.
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I remember, back in December 2009, I got a fortune cookie that said I would meet the love of my life soon. In February 2010, just three and a half weeks after I turned 10, I had my first crush. However, it didn't end so great: over two years later, in March of 2012, I had to give up on her because all the social pressures that came with middle school made it clear I didn't have a chance with her.:(
Anyways, I remember, just the last time I ate at a Chinese restaurant, it said that my life will improve greatly, which I hope it does after my move is finalized in less than three weeks.
I don't read fortune cookies anymore. Most of the fortunes I got said something like "you will find happiness" or "don't hold grudges" or something like that so I stopped reading them.
Nah, I hardly have fortune cookies so I don't remember any of the messages I might have read.
One time, the guy I was dating and myself had gotten Chinese food and fortune cookies came with the meal. We took the cookies with us and sat on the couch to watch whatever we were watching, he decided to half lay down on me for whatever reason, then I opened my cookie. I don't remember what it said, but I read it out loud and it was probably lame. My boyfriend opened his and refused to tell me what it said no matter what and he wouldn't let me look at it. I gave up trying to figure it out and moved on.

Later that night after I had left, my boyfriend texted me and told me what the fortune said. It said something like "the one you lay on is the one you will be with forever". I didn't believe him one bit, so I made him take a picture of the fortune on his brothers face and he did, and it actually said that.

We didn't date much longer after that. So the fortune obviously didn't come true.
No I don't think I had those? Not what I can remember at least. I guess they can be fun as long as people don't take it too seriously...
I eat fortune cookies for the sake of eating and not for the message. ;)
No fortune has came true for me I think. Though most of the time I will forget the message the very next day. :p
I don't take them seriously and just treat it as a fun, happy message. Sometimes I'll collect certain ones especially if I never seen it before.


nobody should actually take fortune cookies seriously lmao
I don't remember any of them every coming true. I've been wanting to play my lucky numbers though I keep forgetting. It's tradition in my family to end each fortune with "in bed" or "in my pants" because we're super mature. =]
Maybe my last fortune came true, I wouldn't know tho cuz I ate it along with the cookie on accident lol got slobber on it
nope! i think they're a goofy little thing though and always fun to check out whenever we get chinese food ^^
i dont take them serious though heh
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"you're reading this fortune right now and thinking, 'wow, even i could write fortunes better than this one.'"

i just got this one at a chinese restaurant and i was laughing so hard i couldn't believe it. the people at my local chinese restaurant have officially given up.
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