Lamentations of a Savior ~ The Heroes of Mega Man

Bacon Boy

Zelda Informer Podcaster
Sep 9, 2008
Dusty Scroll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
"There's something you have to realize, my son, I did not intend for this to happen. Now, I have lost you to the fight for justice. Some things cannot be replaced, certainly not you. I hope and pray that you would give up this fight that took your brother, Proto. However, It appears I cannot be so lucky. Your heart is pure and so are your motivations. You fight for the humans, although they do not wish to fight for themselves. What then, do they stand for? They cower under Wily's tyranny and let my sons give their lives for theirs. They are cowards!" ~ Dr. Thomas Light


"I suppose I have been in this fight for too long. Is this all worth it? Was Proto Man right? Will the humans ever stand by our side as we fight for them? Or do they "just want another martyr and a statue to build"? Tell me, Dr., was I right? Was I right to fight for these people? For the vengeance of my brother? I fear that I am becoming... a robot. I kill my brothers without a second thought. They are evil, aren't they? Or are they just misguided... You call me a savior, but you sent me to kill my brothers. Does that make it harder? Should it? Should I feel something for those I... murder? Will this be my everlasting journey? Am I destined to kill to end a tyranny that will last forever? How many must fall until there is peace for all?
~ Mega Man


"A beast; I was created by the very man X's ancestors fought to destroy. Will I ever atone for my father's sins? No. I cannot. But the evil he has done is not on my shoulders. I will fight to end the tyranny that he left behind.
A new evil has arisen in the form of something most Vile. I have made it my goal to take down this evil man, even if it requires the sacrifice of myself.
I have learned that the body I currently have is not my own. My identity was ripped from me x years ago. My soul, however, remains. I will fight to end the corruption and evil that has evolved over the ears. The humans look to me to save them, and that is a weight I accept to bear. It is mine alone, and I shall fulfill their wishes, no matter the cost.
~ Zero


"The humans have deserted us, brother! Why fight for them? None of them have courage! Not one hero is left among man! You and I, we don't belong among them. We are outcasts among outcasts. I don't believe in heroes anymore. I have given everything I can, and yet... they still deserted me. Left me for dead. Aren't we men? Or are we machine? The line has been blurred by us. We are abominations and I know... I know that we have no place here. If we try to save them, what then? The evil will arise once more. The humans are the problem. Let them stand for themselves. I've been where you've been. I've fought your fight. In the end, it's all meaningless...
~ Proto Man

Just somethings that popped into my head while listening to the Megas and the Protomen. :p