Giveaway CLOSED - Giving Away DIYS & Recipes

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Senior Member
Oct 15, 2023
100% (98) +
6/30/24 Note: I'm taking a break from this game starting tomorrow so if anyone wants DIYs or recipes, please let me know right away, and you need to get them TODAY.

3/9/24 Note: Apparently, this site is having an issue with Microsoft-based email addresses so I had to switch to an email address I don't use any more just to use the forums. Sorry if I miss any messages in this thread. I'll try to check it more often.

I'm trying to make more room in my storage so I thought I'd give away my extra DIYs and recipes to anyone who's interested. If you're interested, let me know which ones you want and whether you want to come to my island or for me to go to yours.

Generally, I'm available on weekends and after work EST on weekdays with the exact times varying depending on what comes up. I'm allowing reservations of DIYs and recipes with the understanding that we'll be able to find a time over the weekend that works for both parties. If someone reserves an item, and I don't hear from them by Monday morning, I'll remove the reservation so that the item is free again.

  • Apple jam - added 6/30/24
  • Armor shoes
  • Bone doorplate
  • Cardboard chair
  • Carpaccio di capesante - added 6/30/24
  • Fossil doorplate - added 6/30/24
  • Golden decorative plate
  • Golden dishes
  • Grass skirt
  • Green grass skirt
  • Large cardboard boxes
  • Lovely cosmos crown
  • Modeling clay - added 6/24/24
  • Nice branch - added 6/21/24
  • Pile of zen cushions
  • Stack of books
  • Steel-frame wall
  • Straw umbrella hat
  • Sugar crepe - added 6/30/24
  • Tall garden rock
  • Windflower fan
  • Wooden-block table
WOW, it looks like I have close to a hundred fifty thirty extra DIYs and recipes. Anyone want to take some of these off my hands, please?
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I will take some off your hands! May I have the zen style stone, the tea table, starry sands flooring, potato potage, mushroom curry, fruit wreath, coconut pancakes, coconut oil, and coconut cookies please? And I would love to visit your island!
I will take some off your hands! May I have the zen style stone, the tea table, starry sands flooring, potato potage, mushroom curry, fruit wreath, coconut pancakes, coconut oil, and coconut cookies please? And I would love to visit your island!
Sure! Give me a minute to take everything out, and I'll send you a Dodo code. Feel free to explore, but I didn't figure out the running mechanic until a couple of months in so there are flowers everywhere.
No worries I love flowers! I'm trying to keep as much of my island covered in flowers as I can. Do you mind if I visit your shops?
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Iron frame
Iron garden bench
Iron worktable
Ironwood chair
Ironwood clock
Ironwood dresser
Log wall-mounted clock
Pumpkin pound cake
Spaghetti napolitan
Stacked-wood wall
Tomato juice
Tropical vista
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Iron frame
Iron garden bench
Iron worktable
Ironwood chair
Ironwood clock
Ironwood dresser
Log wall-mounted clock
Pumpkin pound cake
Spaghetti napolitan
Stacked-wood wall
Tomato juice
Tropical vista
Sure! I'm probably going to be busy for the next 2-3 hours, but I can bring them over afterwards.
I should be able to bring them over soon. Someone else messaged me first for a different giveaway so that hopefully shouldn't take long.
i also have a trade with someone. i will message you after it is done.

edit: trade is done.
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Now that it's the weekend, I thought I'd bump this thread. I've added several new recipes and tried to remember to put the date each recipe was added beside it so that people could just check the new recipes if they want.

Also, do people want free gyroids? I have extra, but I don't want to type them all up if people aren't interested.
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Classic-library wall
Coconut cookies
Coconut juice
French fries
Ironwood cupboard
Log extra-long sofa
Mixed-fruits bagel sandwich
Mixed-fruits sandwich
Orange smoothie
Pound cake
Starry-sands flooring
Stone table
Summer-shell rug
Veggie cookies
Wooden-knot wall
Woodland wall
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Classic-library wall
Coconut cookies
Coconut juice
French fries
Ironwood cupboard
Log extra-long sofa
Mixed-fruits bagel sandwich
Mixed-fruits sandwich
Orange smoothie
Pound cake
Starry-sands flooring
Stone table
Summer-shell rug
Veggie cookies
Wooden-knot wall
Woodland wall
I'm on now if you're still available.
I'm going to be removing the older "added" dates soon so I thought I'd bump the thread to let people check the newer items first. I'll probably remove dates on a weekly basis to keep the list from getting too cluttered.
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Cutting board
Fruit scones
Log chair
Pumpkin soup
Veggie crepe
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