Giveaway CLOSED - Giving Away DIYS & Recipes

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im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Bamboo floor lamp
Festival-lantern set
Iron worktable
I'm free right now if you are. I have to go do something else in about 15 minutes, but then I'll be available on and off throughout the evening.

Edit: I also have an Ironwood Bed DIY if you want it.
Hi! This is a long shot since I don't see these listed, but do you have the following DIYs?

*bird cage
*ironwood dresser

Thanks in advance, even if you don't have them.
Hi! This is a long shot since I don't see these listed, but do you have the following DIYs?

*bird cage
*ironwood dresser

Thanks in advance, even if you don't have them.
Sorry, I don't have those DIYs. There are people who sell DIYs on this forum who have a much wider selection so you might want to try one of them. They usually ask for TBT (forum bells) in payment, which you can get by posting on this site.
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Basket pack
Chic cosmos wreath
Dark cosmos crown
Floral swag
Fruit wreath
Honeycomb flooring
Honeycomb wall
Iron shelf
Mossy garden rock
Oil-barrel bathtub
Peach rug
Plain scones
Shell partition
Stone table
Tomato juice
Yellow bamboo mat
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Basket pack
Chic cosmos wreath
Dark cosmos crown
Floral swag
Fruit wreath
Honeycomb flooring
Honeycomb wall
Iron shelf
Mossy garden rock
Oil-barrel bathtub
Peach rug
Plain scones
Shell partition
Stone table
Tomato juice
Yellow bamboo mat
I'll be available on and off for about an hour from now. I also have Bamboo Shelf, Green Grass Skirt, Log Stool, and Pear Jelly if you want them.
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Hi there! Would like the following DIYS if you have them:
- Gold Helmet
-Golden plate armor
-Golden casket
-Golden Seat
-Golden Wristwatch
-Jail bars
-Wooden Field Sign
-Wooden Music box
-Deer decoration
-Deer scare

Thank you so much!
Hi there! Would like the following DIYS if you have them:
- Gold Helmet
-Golden plate armor
-Golden casket
-Golden Seat
-Golden Wristwatch
-Jail bars
-Wooden Field Sign
-Wooden Music box
-Deer decoration
-Deer scare

Thank you so much!
Sure! I'll probably be available on and off for the next hour or so and then throughout the day tomorrow. Let me know if you want to visit my island or have me visit yours. The Able Sisters are about to close, but Nooks should be open for another hour.
Great! Thank you so much! My dodo code is 50MYK if you want to come on by! I just restarted my island so theres not much here (>д<)
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Bamboo shelf
Glowing-moss flooring
Jungle wall
Log stakes
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Bamboo shelf
Glowing-moss flooring
Jungle wall
Log stakes
I'm available right now, but I'm not sure for how long since I should probably go to sleep soon. Otherwise, I can bring them over tomorrow.

Edit: Ok, I'm turning off my computer for the night.
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Ok, I'm back! I have something to do around noon, but I should otherwise be generally available. I also have the Thumbprint Jam Cookies recipe and the Blue Rose Crown DIY if you want them.
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